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Hey guys just to warn you guys there is some flashbacks to abuse so ⚠️TW⚠️ also it will say when to start the song so Enjoy<3

Ana Martinez

I glance at my phone rereading THAT message I received this past summer but averting my eyes quickly so as to not upset myself any further. My gaze wanders away and to the foggy bus window as the crisp September air whirls the leaves from the trees.

"Are you even listening to me?"

I turn my head back around, facing Lia. "Mhm of course"  Lia Tanaka has been my best friend since reception. She helped me learn English when I first moved to England at the age of 6 and has always been there for me when times have been hard.

My parents are from Spain and we used to live there until they decided to move. Mum always thought that England was the place for opportunities and a better life for her and her kids, Dad was reluctant to move at first but would do anything for his wife.

We weren't very rich but now mum has a good stable job and we are very happy but it was Ben's family who really helped us out. 

Our first couple months being here my dad started being abusive towards me and my mum, I guess he couldn't take the stress of being away from his old family and town he grew up in his whole life and his relationship with my mum deteriorated the further he got away from spain. The move was hard on him and money was tight so he turned to alcohol, but he wasn't doing it to forget... he was trying to remember.


"Fuck you, Carol. No soy el que nos hizo venir aquí.  This was all you."

"I thought you wanted this...you should have said something before"

"Oh, so everything is my fault now is it?"

"Maybe if you just stood up for yourself, you wouldn't be such a maldita polla"

He slapped her hard across the face, revelling in the fact that he was far stronger that she would ever be.

With the instant urge to protect my mother I ran out from behind the door I was hiding behind, desperately grasping onto her leg. She leant down and placed her hands on my head, stroking my hair and wiping a tear from my eye, letting her own travel down her face.

Before I could begin to let myself go, my father yanked me away.

"Ana loved Spain, didn't you mi amor?"

I shuddered, for the first time not enjoying my father's nickname for me.

"ANSWER ME" he shouted, shoving me aside.

My mother grabbed me back in as we stood, all three of us in complete silence.

Quietly yet still intelligible, my father muttered "get out."

"You can't do this" My mother pleaded "We live here too"

"Not anymore" he shook his head as he pushed us out the door, and slammed it in our faces.

And that was it we were homeless, sitting on the side of the pavement at 10 o'clock at night, battered and bruised-utterly alone.

"No your not" Lia rolls her eyes. "Ugh don't get caught up with whatever Ben said, it's not like you don't have me" She slings her arm around me. "Hey look it's Isabelle and Molly"  She gestures out the window to the barely identifiable blobs that emerged from Londis.

I use my jumper to wipe away the condensation and wave out to our friends, hands filled with buzz sweets and lucozade.


I don't know how they do it. I can still taste the fresh minty toothpaste in my mouth.

"They are so gonna be late" Lia snickers.

"Aren't they always" I laughed, my mood immediately lifting, as the bus pulled away from the stop.

Ben Porter

LDN playing on the radio *start song*

"Say hi to Ana for me. I didn't get to see her this summer" My mother requested.

I sighed, not able to reveal to her that we had fallen out over the summer, "Mum, just because you and Carol are best friends, doesn't mean me and Ana have to be."

"Well someone's in a mood" she mocked as she pulled into the school just before the bus.

"You shouldn't go up to her anyway, not looking like that at least. " My brother Oli drew attention to my straight brown hair that had no volume at all, ruffling it with his large hands.

Oli was taller than me so he already had the upper hand in all fights. He always boasted about himself being 6" in comparison to my measly 5"9.

"Fuck off" I muttered, flipping him off in the process.
My mum whipped her head around from the front seat. "Uh language you two"

"What I didn't even say anything...nothing not true anyway"  Oli exclaimed innocently.

She turned to me, raising her eyebrow, staring at me through the rearview mirror.

I held my hands up in surrender. "I'm your son."  She dismissed me.

"Oh and boys, don't forget your father  and I are going out tonight with Ana's mother so make sure you make Ana and Lia feel welcome at the house."

"Yeah we know" Me and Oli said in unison, rolling our eyes and exiting the car.

Hope you liked this chapter not much is happening yet just about of context and opening the story up.
Feel free to discuss in the comments!

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