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Hey guys hope you like this chapter a lot more tension and love interests in this chapter but⚠️TW⚠️ sexual assault
Enjoy <3

Ana Martinez

I walk past the stairs aiming to look for him in the kitchen when I feel a warm, comforting body collide with mine.

I drop my purse on the floor and as I look up, my brown eyes are met with a set of piercing green ones.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Ben stammered nervously whilst helping me pick up my belongings which had fallen out of my purse.

I stutter over my words and an overwhelming feeling took over."uh-h it it's fine"

"No problem" he replied with a weak grin

Forgetting where we were, we just stared at each other for a couple seconds smiling until Ben broke the silence.

"I'm gonna go- i mean go to see where Luke is" his awkward voice stammering.

He begins to walk away from me but I call him back.

"Ben, wait!... i need to talk to you"

He turns around and gives me an anxious look "Sure... is everything okay?"

"Yeah" I lied  "Well no, not really"

"What's up?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. He always did that when he was worried, ever since we were little.

"Why did you do it?" i asked not daring to make eye contact

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me Ben, the text, why would you say that ... to Maddie?"

"Oh shit, you know about that " Ben answers edging closer to me.

"Yeah, I do"  , taking a step back.

"Look Ana, i'm so sorry. It just that Maddie got in my head " 

"You've known me your whole life but suddenly I'm a quote on quote 'ginormous bitch'" I shouted, raising my voice above the music to make sure he got the message.

His cheeks blushed with embarrassment as he realised how truly angry I was.

"Listen Ana, I never meant to hurt you" He placed his hand on my arm. He was sweating, he was nervous. "And you know what I said wasn't true."

It was getting harder and harder to ignore how close we were...Come on Ana snap out of it, you're meant to be sticking up for yourself.

"That's not the point" I retorted, jerking my arm away from his grasp. The absence of his touch reminded me of what I actually wanted to say. "You're a dick and a snake of a friend."


Ben's face was redder than ever by now. His lips had dropped into a sluggish frown and I knew what I had said would make him think twice about what he did. I almost felt bad for a second, but remembered how proud my mother would be for sticking up for myself if she knew what Ben had done.

I turned away, not letting Ben get a chance to make me cry. I was already upset enough about this whole thing.  I spotted Lia leaning on a wall, observing a cluster of girls who gawked over Luke with his shirt off.  She seemed unimpressed, even by Luke's clearly impressive body (but she'd never admit that).

I ran over to her, in much need of a familiar face. She noticed my saddened look.

"You alright babes?" She questioned whilst shooing a snogging couple from the closest armchair and offering me a seat.

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