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Lia Tanaka

Luke Reyord. Always knew the right thing to say to make me swoon, but I would never show. My expressions, always blank at the sight of his attempts to woo me. I was yearning inside for the touch of his skin on mine. To feel life running through his veins and hear every shift in his movements as our bodies molded together. His heart beat connected through my ear, travelling down to my very own chambers. What an asshole. A loveable asshole, but still an asshole. He was weak but strong. An emotional wreck but a beautiful body. Just like me...

I light-jogged up to Ana, stealing her away from Isabelle and Molly whilst releasing myself from Luke's grasp. Something awkward had happened on the coach but I was a great actor and concealed my true emotions at the time.

I can't believe Ana was so unaware of Ben's blatant feelings for her. I mean their origin story was one of those that would be used as a rom-com storyline. The perfect girl next door meets defeated prodigy of the Porter family. They were meant to be. I'm not saying I believe in all that shit about 'soulmates' cause I really don't, but those two were two halves of the same heart. Split when the universe came into creation and reunited in ways that couldn't be explained. It's what I wanted but I knew I could never have. Vulnerability was not my strong suit.

Anyways, enough of that lovey dovey shit. We walked into the airport an immediate rush of cold air piercing right past our thick autumn clothes. I shivered, wrapping my arm around Ana we huddled together like penguins out in the Arctic.

"Well off you go guys, make sure you don't lose your passports! I don't want a repeat of the year 9 trip to France." Miss Watts darted her eyes towards Luke, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head. "Actually I think it'd be best for me to hold onto your one Luke"

He ruffled through his backpack, for a tad too long. "Oh no Miss" he started.

"Oh for Onika's sake, are you kidding me, I should've known this would happen, I can't trust you with anythi-"

Luke whipped out the passport from the pocket of his grey joggers; they were kind of distracting. "Just kidding Miss, it's right here" he smirked. I loved when he smiled.

"Who is Onika?" Ana questioned. What a dumb bitch I thought to myself, "I have failed as a bestfriend" I exclaimed as I shook my head at Ana in dissapointment.

"Um the queen of rap" Luke glared at her. "And apparently the rightful God that Miss here worships."

"Pink Ferragamo sliders on deck. Silly rap beefs just get me more checks. My life is a movie, I'm never off set-" Oli started out right rapping in the middle of Heathrow.

The whole class erupted out in laughter, except Luke. He leapt to Oli's side.

"Me and my amigos no not offset Swish swish, aww I got them upset." Luke started singing. Oli began to beatbox. At this point they were throwing their arms side to side in the air. I could not comprehend what I was witnessing but I enjoyed it thoroughly.

"Okay, okay enough of that now boys, even though that was an amazing performance, the whole of the airport do not need to be hearing this at 4 o'clock in the morning" Miss managed to state through her tears of laughter. Molly handed her a tissue and she wiped her watery eyes, pressing her french acrylic nails to her tear ducts.

This trip is just getting started.

I dragged Ana off to a nearby shop as the rest of the group dispersed into various different directions.

"Sooooo something...strange happened on the coach." I mumbled.

Ana giggled "Stranger than what happened on the stage in year 2 when you were the Virgin Mary in the Nativity"

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