A Princess Seeks New Lands

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[~~~Posted Mar. 8, '21]

[A/N All of you reading... and, like, the ten of you voting/commenting, every. single. chapter – you guys are the best! Thinking of you all, wherever you are in the world. You're making me smile!]

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That morning, Kai looked over at her desk. A tangle of young green leaves trailed across her windowsill, drinking in sunlight. There was a Delta Maidenhair fern—lush and bright green. Two small cucumber seedlings. Of course, Barry. And Nina's Lord Baltimore hibiscus. 

By summer, her the cukes were going to get huge.

They're going to reach the dorm ceiling, and run out of sunlight, Kai thought.

I need to find a solution soon.

Yesterday, when she was crossing Gaffigan's courtyard, she happened to look up.

There were three students—

On the roof.

They were laughing. She could barely make out their dark silhouettes against a bright gray sky. But it didn't matter.

The roof!

A spot for my plants!

High up, protected, with full sun exposure.

The thought made her dizzy.

It gave her an idea. 

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Friday afternoon. Lukas smiles to himself.

Two days ago—he'd showed up at Intro Psych. And found a certain girl with a navy coat.

And now Jungwoo was psyched to join Lukas's start-up.

Happy with recent events, Lukas leans back in his chair. Anyone who saw him would marvel at the handsome student with this smirk on his face. But few would guess how confident his thoughts were:

My life alternates between two modes:

-- Making plans, and...

-- Watching them succeed...


Across their room, Ed's cramming for an exam. He's bent over, as if bad posture will help him absorb knowledge.

Vien's sitting in bed, hooked on a Nigerian kung-fu movie that Ed told him to watch.

Their room feels cramped. Lukas stands up abruptly and stretches out his legs.

"Where you going, bro?" Ed asks.

"The roof."

On their first night back to school, some guy in their entryway forced open the locked door to the roof. He and his roommates threw a big rooftop party, with a ping-pong table, a keg of beer, and a DJ.

Janitors hadn't discovered the busted lock yet. So everyone in their entryway could access the roof whenever.

Leaving his dorm room, Lukas climbs his entryway stairs. Pushes the door open.

Stepping onto the windy rooftop, he realizes:

--he's not the only one out there--




[A/N: Question for everyone too: The interactions between Kaia and Lukas are going to start ramping up soon. Personally I kind of like a slightly slow burn... like to me, it makes a story cuter. But I don't wanna bore y'all to death - hahaha!!! So let me know:

A) I'm ready for more intensity -- crank up the dial!

B) i'm feeling fine letting things unfold -- no need to rush!

Let me know in the comments! The next chapter will go up tomorrow (Tues Mar 9. '21) based on your feedback..

Edit: voting closed. Excited to see what you think of the results! ]

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