The Enemy

370 18 15

[Posted April 24, '21]

The next day, halfway across campus, Lukas blinks, standing in the gloom. As his eyes adjust to the dark, he takes in the décor around him.

The mahogany panels, the brass fixtures, the marble countertops—no expense had been spared here.

So this is the Crown Club. Where he's come for a meeting.

Over at a bar in the corner, a man in a gray tweed suit and jeans sits with a whiskey glass. Seeing Lukas, he stands up and strides over. An aura of aggressive confidence surrounds him.

"I'm Tom Levay."

They shake hands. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," says Lukas.

"Have a seat."

So this was the guy who'd messaged him yesterday. A quick, one-line email:

>>>> I'd like to pick your brain. About a venture.

Lukas has vaguely heard of Tom Levay, who's supposedly a big shot in campus politics. He led their college debate team to a national championship.

And now this Tom Levay wanted to meet.

Why not? Lukas thought. Some people even said Tom would become president one day. If that ever came true, it wouldn't hurt if they knew each other back in college.

So Lukas messaged back.




The morning of their meeting is bright. Puddles glint in sunlight everywhere on the ground. Lukas almost forgets the meeting with Tom. He's had so many other things on his mind—like the person currently in possession of his umbrella. Their strange, charged conversation the night before, next to a dancing fire in the fireplace. The rain, as they stood face to face.

That morning, Lukas blinks and suddenly remembers Tom Levay. So he quickly bikes to Crown Street, squinting in the sunlight, his tyres splashing through the rainwater still on the road from the evening before.




In his dimly lit club, Tom Levay pours out a glass of Hendrick's for each of them. Then he hands a leather portfolio to Lukas, who flips through its pages full of text and graphs.

Tom explains: "You're seeing my new venture: The Crown Club. A members-only club for social networking."

"Social networking?" asks Lukas.

Tom nods. "We'll all be heads of states and corporations. Who knows how we'll help each other out in the future."


Tom continues: "The club charges a membership fee. A fee high enough that only students of a certain status will join."

Levay's blue eyes shine. "What do you think of it?" he asks. "As an entrepreneur, yourself."

Nodding, Lukas's brow is furrowed in thought. He doesn't answer yet.

So Tom adds, "That's an outline of our business model," pointing at the document in Lukas's lap.

Together they look at the portfolio.

Mission Statement: ...

Property Location: ...

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