By Your Side

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Santana had always been a strong woman who would never ask someone for help. Neither economicly or just daily things.

Her family had disowned her when she came out to them. Apparently her family wouldn't accept her sexuality. So for the past 5 years she had been on her own.

She drop school since her parents stopped paying for her education so she did what could do. She found a job at a diner and when she had saved enough money she would go back to school and get herself a degree.

Quinn came from a wealthy family. Her parents was very understanding and loving towards her. When she came out to her parents when she was 15 they did the only thing a parent would do and that was to support her in any way they could.

She was lucky that her parents loved her unconditionally and would always be there for her no matter what.

Quinn was attending Colombia Law School in New York. She knew that she wanted to be a lawyer just like her father. She would always help her father look at some documents that he had already closed but that was his way of teaching his daughter that the world was black and white and that the real world was hard and cruel to good people.

This was also how she learned to read people and if they lying. It came handy everytime a guy would ask her out and she would asked them straight up if they just wanted to get into her pants.

Quinn never told people that she was a lesbian. She never dated anyone either. It was not that she didin't have time for it but she just couldn't find anyone that she felt drawn to. She just didin't want to waste her love to someone she didin't have feelings for. Sure she had slept with some girls buy that was just it. Just sex and nothing else.

It all changed though. When she went to her father's firm to get a internship for the rest of her school year. During her lunch brake she went to the diner to get something to eat. That's when she saw the woman that made her heart beat faster. She had never felt this way before. Not once.

"Hey Q, you want the usual or do you want to try out our new dish?" The woman asked her.

"Hey Santana. What's the new dish?" She asked politely.

"Arroz con Gandules, it's a Puertorican version of Spains Paella, it's with seafood" she explained and Quinn smiled at her.

"I would love to try out your new dish" she said and the wide smile on the latinas face made her heart flip.

"I order it for you and here is your soda and water" the woman said before she attended another costumer.

The two talked everytime Santana didin't attend any costumer. They found it easier to speak to each other. Quinn kept asking her about her hobbies and dreams. The blond loved to hear the younger girls dreams.

"So how come you don't do anything about it?" She asked and Santana looked at her with a sad smile.

"Because I can't afford it. I'm just working so I have enough to get Mr back to class. I haven't even graduated highschool yet. I only have myself to rely on ever since my parents kicked me out and stopped paying for my studies"

The reality hit Quinn like a bomb. The girl she had a crush on was alone and had no one to care for her.

"You are not alone Santana. I'm here for you. I will support you in whatever you need" she said and Santana smiled at her.

"You are a great friend Quinn but I can't take advantage of you that way and I don't want to destroy the only friendship I have that is solid.. even if I want more out of it" she whispers the last one but the blond heard her.

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