Never Give Up

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The blond woman  was dragged over to the middle of the floor. Naked and exposed people was staring at her like a piece of meat.

The strangers in the room had masked on to cancele their identity. The blond young woman was scared  she never wanted this life for her but she had no choice.

Sure she made some mistakes bit her biggest one was something she would never regret. She got pregnant at the age of 16 and gave birth to a little girl that was an exact copy of her. Blond hair and hazel eyes but just a bit tanner. She was forced to give her up for adoption by her parents and she got kicked out from her home.

Ever since she had been looking for her but only to be turned away and no one to help her.

It took some time for her to get her life back together and meet her former boyfriend Biff but he was only using her to get what he wanted and before she got out from his grasp she was now being sold out into human trafficking.

It had been 5 years and she was about to turn 23. She missed her friends and mostly she missed Santana who she loved so much but ways pushed her feelings away. She was scared back then but now.. she promised herself that she would tell Santana how she felt about her. How much she wants to be with  her. She just prays that she can get out from this alive.

Santana Lopez was a woman with a mission. A mission she knew that she probably gonna get Jail time for and even get killed.

She did not care for that though. Only thing in mind was to get the blond woman she neglected during their high school days until their reunion on February 14 the day of love and failed wedding of their Glee teacher.

They slept together and feelings started to come back. She wanted to  the blond that she loved her.. that their night together ment something to her and she was willing to give them a chance.. but all that went out of the window when the news hit that Lucy Quinn Fabray was missing. The cops looked for her for 3 weeks but nothing came up and they couldn't do anything because there was no clue to where she could be.

The only thing that bothered Santana was the fact that Biff McIntosh was the last one who had seen her and when she went to confront him about her he quickly flipped her off and that was the first clue she knew that he had something to do about her disappearing.

She followed him for weeks until she stumbled into the trafficking ring that he was involved in together with 6 other Yale students.

That was all she needed to know that Biff McIntosh was the one who took Quinn away from her and their friends.

For the last 5 years she had been training with her tio Santiago Lopez who happend to be running a drug cartel.

She asked for his help to train her and in return she would do his dirty work for him but it would all end once she got Quinn back.

In between her working for her tio she had been working on Biff and his friends.

The first time she killed anyone was when she got close to Eric Anderson. He was a 22 year old Yale student and was about to graduate.

Santana manage to lure him into a cab outside a night club in LA. Little did he knew that it would be his last time breathing.

She manage to drug him with a truth serum and he sang like a bird. He told her how Biff manage to take advantage of Quinn because she was needy to feel love. She was broken and lonely and Biff took that advantage.

To say that Santana was beyond pissed was an understatement. She was vivid and wanted to kill him for hurting her.

The first year Quinn had been missing she came a cross the couple that adopted the blonds baby girl. She was delivering a package for her tio when she came into a suburbia home.

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