Chapter 8

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Many moons* have passed, yet I still live with the guilt and paranoia that was Ancient Skylands. They had not bothered us, but I was certain they had been searching for us. I was still having nightmares of the day they banned me. I cannot let this continue, not any longer. The night was quiet as a glided through the clouds. I was having flashbacks to when the moles and I were heading North, escaping Ancient Skylands. But there I was, returning, to finish the fight I started long ago.

Finally, the city came into view. Despite it being so secluded, it glowed so brightly. The city was very pretty from this view, yet I was still filled with rage. I spotted where the moles used to live, where I discovered them for the first time. The hill looked untouched as if no one has lived there for many centuries.

I brought myself to glide just under the clouds, finally, the time had arrived.
"Now," I whispered to myself then dove toward the city. I fired ice shards directed at a few buildings, shattering the rooftops and shocking the few dragons in the streets. They looked toward the noise and I quickly fired a few more shots, breaking more roofs. The dragons finally noticed me and ran in different directions in a panic.

Just before I reached the buildings, I opened my wings, bringing immense wind force onto the street below. The buildings were lined with gold, so they were sturdy enough to withstand the wind, but some boxes and food stock shattered from the impact. I continued to fly above the buildings, shooting at them and icing the streets. I started to hear screams and roars from all over the city.

I flew over to the paddock where the livestock was kept and iced the entire area, freezing the grass and the animals on it. Suddenly a body slammed into my back and brought me crashing to the ground below. I hit the ground hard, sliding along the ice until I hit something. I came to my senses quickly and realised there was another body wrapped around me, possibly another dragon trying to stop me.

I opened my eyes and got up quickly, shaking the other dragon off of my back. I looked back to see him laying against one of the frozen sheep, he had not taken the impact too well. I turned to take off when an earth boulder forced me to the ground again. I pushed it off quickly and dug my claws into the ice, pushing myself out of the way of his next attack. I used the force of the push to gain wind and glide upwards, quickly dodging another attack.

I levelled myself and faced the attacker and shot some ice in his direction. He dodged but it hit the tip of his tail, quickly spreading to the rest of his body. In a split second, he was covered in ice and fell to the ground. I shook off any soreness of my body and continued to destroy the city.

"So you have returned," a strong voice spoke from behind me. I froze, recognising the voice. I turned to face one of the Elders hovering above the Elders Temple. I only bared my teeth in response.
"and look at the mess you have made," he shook his head disapprovingly, "I didn't think you were still alive. I guess I'll have to change that myself."
"You will hurt no more creatures! Even if I have to give my life to make that happen!" I shouted at him.

He took a deep breathe in, preparing the attack in his chest. I realised what he was doing and quickly dove into the streets, darting around corners and trying to gain distance. He released his breathe and spat fire along my path. I yelped in pain as the fire burned on my back.

I shook off the flames and continued running toward the direction of the Elders Temple. He fired another attack along the path in front of me, fire igniting the surrounding buildings. I paused and watched the flames for a moment, he is doing a lot of damage considering it's his city, I thought to myself. I sprayed ice along the street, instantly killing the flames. I continued along, digging my claws into the ice with every step to propel myself forward.

I darted around a few more corners before I halted to a stop. Another one of the Elders blocked the Temple entrance, "oh no you don't" he quickly fired electric bolts in my direction. They bounced off the walls of the building, making it almost impossible to dodge. They hit me square on and I went flying back, slamming into a building behind me. I rebounded off and hit the ground.

I coughed a few times and looked up to the electricity Elder dragon approaching me. I stumbled onto my feet and sprayed ice in his direction, but he quickly countered the attack by sending electricity down my ice and back to me. I cried as electricity surged through my body, and I trembled at the pain. This wasn't working out for me, but I could not give up just yet. I spray ice along the street making it slippery for the Elder.

The ice spread to the Elder's paws but he quickly jumped, breaking the ice. I took the chance while he was temporarily distracted to lunge forward and slide along the ice underneath him. I heard him laugh behind me, "you've become quite a clever one." His words distracted my focus and I hit the glass door of the Elder Temple, shattering the glass. I felt glass shards slip through my scales and into my skin as I slid along the tiles.

Before I came to a complete stop I stood up, swaying as I was still sliding slightly. As I regained my balance I looked around to take in my surroundings, I can't stop now. I shook off any pain and headed up one of the flights of stairs. Suddenly there was a strong wind in front of me that blew me back down the stairs. Of course, the stairs were made of silver so I couldn't grip onto it.

I quickly used the wind to regain my balance and landed on the tiles, but I slipped and my legs buckled. I looked up the see the wind Elder dragon at the top of the stairs. Suddenly fire surrounded me, coming from behind me but controlled by wind. I swung my head around to the door where the fire dragon Elder was standing.
"I regret banning you and not having you killed," the fire dragon stated.

"perhaps..." I only whispered. He breathed more fire and it surrounded me, closing in on me. I relaxed and accepted it, I knew there was no way out this time. I gritted my teeth as the flames burned my scales. The world around me started to disappear, I knew I did what I could to protect the moles, I just hoped it was enough.


That was it. There were no more words on the page. That was the end of Crystal's story. I looked up, tears pouring down my face. She was brave until the end, an inspiration to all. This book can't possibly be a journal though, how would she have written her death. Unless this is a book of her life, and this is a library full of books of people's lives... incredible... so perhaps I am its guardian? That would explain why I can't leave.

She did not destroy Ancient Skylands or kill any of the dragons, but perhaps she was the reason for their downfall afterwards. I pondered to myself for a long moment, putting the story together. But I have to know, was it Ruins of Warfang that she was helping to build?
"ahh... what was her friend's name again?" I thought out loud. Pierre that's right.

I closed the book in front of me and headed back inside the building. I noted the candles immediately lighting as I entered the rooms again. I placed Crystal's book where I found it and turned to look for Pierre's book. When I turned there was a book already floating in front of me, the cover design different to Crystals, slightly furrier. Was this perhaps Pierre's book? It flipped open, turning through pages smoothly. As the pages flipped, something told me it wasn't.

*quite a few years

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