Chapter 4

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I took a deep breathe in as I looked over Ancient Skylands one last time before leaving it behind forever. I grew up in this Dragon City, yet I was not influenced by the civilians. I turned and glided to the nearest mountain, a friend patiently waiting at the peak. As I flew closer, I caught sight of my friend, a small mole who goes by the name of Pierre. I turned my wings to slow my approach and pumped them a few times before landing on soft grass.

I lifted my head and looked to Pierre, "Thank you for waiting." He nodded in gratitude, "Shall we go home?"
"Home," I sighed. I did not think I would fit in enough to call it home. I do not think I would ever feel at home for a while to come. I nodded at him and lowered my neck for him to climb on my back. As I felt him settle in, I turned and took a few quick steps and leapt into the air, my wings following in motion to keep me in the air.

As we were gliding through the air, Pierre leaned forward and said, "the others are eager for your return." I only smiled, even though he could not see it. I know he was trying to cheer me up; the fact that he knows exactly how I was feeling. Instead for him, he and his people were chased away from any place they settled. It could not have been easy to be constantly on the move and living in fear.

I gently glided down to an even patch of land between mountains, close to the entrance of a cave. I landed carefully and lowered my neck again for Pierre to slide off. His small feet landed in the padded grass and ran excitedly toward the cave. I followed, only needing to walk to keep up with him. As I wandered through the cave entrance, some moles climbed out from behind rocks, and some emerging from within the dirt. Many just listened cautiously.

They knew I would never harm them, but understandably they were cautious. Most of the moles excited by our return ran to Pierre and asked him if he was alright. I kept my distance, letting friends and family talk amongst each other. Eventually one of the moles turned to me, "Of course, you are welcome as well, friend," I bowed my head in gratitude, and another mole spoke to me, "In fact, our chieftain would like to speak with you." I nodded, "thank you, I will not keep him waiting."

I tracked around the moles and walked deeper into the cave. Suddenly I noticed Pierre jumping to my side.
"It's alright, you do not have to come," I paused but realised he would beg to come despite, "I need to discuss something personal with him regardless." Pierre sighed and stopped running by my side. I turned over my shoulder as I walked away, "I'll come find you as soon as I'm finished, promise."

Eventually, I reached a small opening, just enough for me to squeeze through, that led into the chieftain's sleeping area.
"Ah, you got my message, Crystal," a voice spoke to me on the other side of the space, "welcome. Please, make yourself at home." I think he meant quite literally, but I would not dare deny his kind offers, I'm not in a position to.
"Thank you, Zander," I lied down as a sign that I was comfortable.

He was doing things around his space, walking back and forth between benches. I decided to speak first, "I think one of the scouts of the city was following me without me noticing, and saw one of the moles, then tracked them back to the caves that your people are residing," I bowed my head quickly, "I am so sorry.." There was a long silence in the cave, only the sounds of moles digging through the dirt vibrating through walls. Suddenly he turned to one of the walls and shouted softly, "AXEL!"

I stared at the wall with him for a long moment, until one of the moles dug through, creating an entrance for himself. He popped out and stood tall, "chieftain?"
"Begin the preparations for relocation. We are to head North." Zander stated clearly. Axel tapped his foot twice quickly and turned back to the hole he created, crawling back in and repairing the broken wall. Zander turned to me, "Thank you for the warning. What will you do?"

"I will help. If you accept my aid," I continued before I let him answer, "I already tried to stop the Elder's from bothering you, but in doing so I was banned from the city for as long as I live." There was no shock on his face. We all knew this day was coming, as I had been resisting the Elder's for a while now, begging them not to disturb other races. He nodded, "you have been welcome in this tribe for some time now, we consider you part of our family."

I felt a lump in my throat as he said those words; I had never been a part of a true family.
"That being said..." he continued. My heart dropped. Of course I was untrusted, as I was the reason they were in danger again. They cannot risk continuing being exposed.
"It will be hard for you to travel with us as you are a considerably large creature, no offence." He turned back to his tasks, darting around the room while explaining, "if you were to travel underground with us, the moles would have to work ten times as hard to make the space for you."

My head drooped; this was it. I had finally found a family and was forced to part ways with them.
"Instead, can you stay back and ensure that no one will attempt to follow us. Then meet us North just outside of Dragon territory and be sure that you aren't followed again." Zander smiled with his last words, signalling me to take it lightly. I released a long sigh, relief that I was not having to try start a new life by myself, relief that I would stay with my new "family".

His smile turned to a frown of confusion and I explained quickly, "I thought I might have to part ways with you forever," I loosed another breath, "I have nowhere else to go, I know nothing else." Zander shook his head at me, "Of course we would not leave you behind, you are family." We nodded at each other respectfully as a tear rolled down my cheek.


I snapped the book shut, a tear also rolling down my face. It was such a nice story, but why do I feel like this isn't just any story?

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