Chapter 6

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Warning: mentions of blood.

My back hit the sand, my head following in action. I coughed a few times from being winded and rolled onto my side. I laid for a moment, allowing my breath to steady before opening my eyes. I was faced with a dark green dragon on top of the scorpion I was just fighting. The scorpion lay still as the green dragon planted its face in the scorpion's underside. The dragon lifted its head and looked straight at me, blue blood around her lips.

My body only flinched; I went to jump up when extreme pain surged through my body. I screamed in pain and looked to my legs, where blood was pouring out of deep wounds. I clenched my jaw and looked up to the green dragon, realising I was showing weakness. Whoever this was, they stole my prey, and I might be next.

She licked her lips, stepped off the scorpion and started to approach me. I bared my teeth, warning her to not come closer. She stopped and lowered her head slowly, "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." I stared her down, "I don't need your help!" She glanced at my legs then back to my eyes, I noticed a gentle look in her eyes.
"Who are you? Where are you from?"
"My name is Miasma. I am from a village East of here. Please let me help you."

It had been a while since I had seen any other dragon, let alone met another species. I did not know if I could trust her, but I didn't know if I had much of a choice either. I lowered my head slightly to show that she could approach, but I kept my guard up. She walked toward me, each step more gentle than the last, her muscles relaxed, and her head low. She stopped next to me and assessed my wounds, "were you-" she stopped as she noticed the stab wound in my paw.

She looked back to me, "I am a poison dragon, I can remove the poison if you allow me." I was amazed at how gentle this dragon was appearing to be. I never thought dragons outside the city were caring and gentle. Well, that is what I'd been told at least. I nodded slightly and she nodded back at me. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, beginning to focus.

Black mist formed around me as the stranger focused her magic. The mist closed in as it circled around me, shifting in and out of my body. I felt tingling as, I assumed, the poison was being shifted through my blood and out through my skin. Eventually the mist dissipated, and the dragon opened her eyes.


I followed Miasma along the dirt path of the village, passing by many wooden huts. My eyes darted between the village folk we walked past. There were so many different types of dragons and cat-like creatures living amongst each other, some that I never knew existed. They all seemed to live happily amongst each other, working together to keep the village alive. We stopped in front of one of the wooden huts and Miasma walked straight in, pushing through draping fabric. I took a breathe and pushed through the purple fabric as well.

My breath was taken away by the beauty held inside. There were small gaps in the walls that light seeped through, acting as the light for inside. There was a circular wooden table and chairs in the centre and a hanging bed on the far end. A cheetah sitting on the bed jumped down as I walked in and greeted me.
"I found her fighting a scorpion along the waterfront. She had been stung, but thankfully I removed the poison in time." Miasma explained to the cheetah.
"That saves me a lot of trouble then, thank you." The cheetah turned to me and smiled, "let's get you healed then, shall we?"

He walked to another table by the back corner of the hut that had many different crystals and herbs laying on the top. He pulled out a large blanket from underneath and laid it over the table and gestured for me to lay on it. I looked to Miasma and she nodded. Why am I trusting these strangers? I didn't need her help. I could have flown home to the moles and they could have healed me.

Before I realised it I was laying on the table. Somehow, I felt safe. The cheetah told me stories of his other patients while performing healing rituals. He was quite friendly to me, everyone in the village seemed to be. He put down anything he was holding gently, "How do you feel?" I stared at him for a long moment before realising he was finished. I got up slowly and stepped down off the table, my muscles aching with every step.

Both of them were still watching at me, waiting for my reply, "I feel..." I realised all the deep wounds were fully healed, as if they were never there before, "sore."
"Those are the side effects to rapid healing, but stretch out and you will feel better." The healer explained. I nodded to both of them gratefully.
"Let me show you around," Miasma said with excitement in her voice.

I turned to the healer, "how would you like me to pay?"
"Please, it was an honour to heal a dragon such as yourself." I stood shocked for a moment, this... healer didn't want to be paid... for his services...? I heard Miasma's voice call outside for me and I quickly nodded before darting through the fabric nervously. I had never received... free service before... what-

"He is a dear friend of mine. I find outsiders in need of help, bring them back here and he heals them." Miasma explained. I nodded slowly, very confused but trying not to show it. She smiled and began leading the way down the street. 

I did get the character idea for Miasma from 4Dragons in their story 'The Legend of Spyro: A Duel with Destiny'. But my character is not based off their character, just the name idea. I'm saying this because that story is great with an amazing plot I 100% recommend a read. It is in my reading list if you want to find it.

Also thank you so much for reading, I hope you are enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it. Have a lovely day.

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