Chapter 3

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The liquid in the hourglass continued to flow down as if representing that time was endless. At least gravity still existed in this place, wherever this place was. I glanced around at all the books stacked in the shelves and lying around the floor. Was I some sort of librarian? I turned to one of the red arched doorways and decided to explore; I had to learn about this strange place I was in. I walked toward the door when it suddenly opened slowly. There was no one on the other side, and I wasn't close enough to push it open, I certainly hadn't used my magic to open the door.

I investigated all around the door, on both sides, finding nothing. Perhaps it was a magical mechanism that opened the door as I approached? I turned around to the new room. It was a similar style to the last room; books and candles lying around the place, but instead of bookshelves there were 4 doors. Each door had a luminescent symbol that was glowing the colours of the main four elements. There were stones in front of each door in the sunken circle with different symbols but glowing the same colour as the door behind it.

Behind these doors were perhaps areas specialised for the particular element. Would they have used that for training? I wondered over to the door with the green symbol, surely it had to represent Earth. I waited a moment and took a breath before approaching it and placing a paw on it to open it. It did not budge. I took a step back and looked over the door, it looked like a sturdy door. I got the memo that I wasn't meant to go through the door and continued around the room. I had so many questions and no answers.

I continued through the door opposite to the one I entered, it also opened for me as I approached it. Instead of a replica room, I was faced with a dark hallway. The only source of light was the candles lined along the walls. After a few bends I reached another door, this one instead was a dull purple. As it opened, it showed open, cracked ground. I walked through the door and noticed that the cracked earth seemed to be a path that led to a larger door straight ahead of me, the ground around being soft dirt. There were walls around the area as if barricading me in. There were also two boiling ponds, one either side of the path.

I looked up to the sky, it was a deep blue with lighter blue streaks going through it. There lines of white waves floating across, moving around like it was a massive sphere around this area. I looked in awe and horror, this place was beautiful and calming, but I was still scared. I walked further through the door to continue exploring, but suddenly I was being pulled back by an invisible force. I dug my claws into the dry ground and pulled against the force. The harder I tried, the more exhausted I became. I eventually gave in, and my paws slid back through the dirt, stirring up the ground I had disturbed with my claws.

So, I was stuck in this place, stuck as a librarian. For how long? I wandered back inside, the purple door closing behind me. I walked to the room I had awoken and watched the hourglass, defeated. Suddenly something by my foot grabbed my attention; a blue book with a white outline. I brushed a claw over the cover, something about this book felt as if it was essential to read. I opened the book, flipped it to a page I felt drawn to and began reading it.


I skipped past multiple dragons, hopping over and under unsuspecting civilians. Rage filled my body and fuelled my movement. I came to an abrupt stop as I reached the Elders' Temple. I breathed heavily for a moment before strutting into the Temple. I couldn't let the Elders do this, it was inhumane. I reached the Gardens where most of the Elder's were relaxing. They did not look happy about my unannounced arrival, but they weren't the only mad ones.

One of the Elders who was watching me calmly spoke first, "Crystal, what brings you here?" Another Elder throwing angry glares at me spoke, "Is this about those little moles again?" I held my stature and spoke with confidence, "I heard rumours that a scout found a mole below the city."
"That is correct," the first Elder responded.
"What are you going to do to them?" I knew well what they were going to do, but I wanted them to repeat it to me in hopes of making them see that what they are doing is wrong.

The second Elder stood now and took a few steps toward me, "That is none of your concern, little girl." He arched his neck back, exposing his chest to threaten me, "How dare you barge into the Elder's Garden without permission. It is an invasion of privacy and crossing sacred land! You have bothered us far too many times, and this will be the last!" He was now standing over me, forcing fear into me. The other Elder's sat back, not saying a word, only watching the situation. Are they really going to let this maniac threaten me?

"You don't understand! What you are doing is wrong and unnecessary." I tried to hold strong against this considerably larger Elder dragon.
"WE! Haven't done anything yet, foolish girl!" The Elder snarled. His next words shocked me. I felt something inside me break, and a tear rolled down my face. How could they do this to me?


"Oh..." I placed the book down gently. Poor girl, but what was she trying to achieve by speaking to the Elders like that? What happened to her next? Where will she go? This was a very interesting book and I wondered who wrote such material. I looked up to the giant hourglass in front of me, it did not explain this strange place, yet I felt compelled to continue reading. 

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