Chapter 10

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I slowly closed another book as I finished reading it. These books hold much information about the past, present and future. So much so, that if this place fell into the wrong paws... well I don't know what they would do with books, but the knowledge they would possess... The only thing I couldn't seem to find was the origin of this place, which I found out was called Celestial Caves. The whole island going by the name of White Isle. Very fitting if you asked me.

My role was not only to protect the Books of Time but to also write the future. I can not change it at all, instead write it down as it happened, some of which was already written. Something that was strange to me was that many of the futures I read were set in a world that was dark and many were scared, but I couldn't seem to find what it was caused by. As if everyone was too scared to talk about it, let alone think about it.

I brushed the thought aside, I have already spent so much time looking for the answer, I can't keep wasting time thinking about it.
"Ironic," I laughed at myself remembering this was a place of endless time. I looked over to the hourglass and remembered the first time I set eyes on it. It was just after I died and awoke in this unusual place.

Then it occurred to me, I don't know what happened in the living world after I died. After reading Crystal's book, I got so distracted reading more books and gaining more knowledge than I ever imagined. But let's not get distracted again and actually stay on track. Memories of the white dragon rushed through my mind:
She landed between the two injured dragons and spoke to them harshly, "Hurry! We must find the egg before it is too late!" ...
The wind dragon hissed at me, "You don't understand! If you stop us, there will be-"
"What was she talking about...? I need her book..."

I cursed to myself. As Chronicler, I can remember many things, but I don't know her name or anything about her. This will mean I will have to find her book using what I do remember of her, which will take an extra amount of mana. I closed my eyes and focused my mind, trying to make an image of the white dragoness.

Most of her were white, with white scales and off-white wings. Her body was slim and her amour thin, allowing her to move quicker through the air. Her amour seemed to be heavily on the offensive side, blades filled with poison along her wings, legs and tail. She was not a poison dragon and I did not recognise the armour to be poison type, so she must have had it specially made. My memory of her was blurry as she moved quickly and never stayed in my sight for long.

The white dragon suddenly launched toward me, too fast for me to dodge, so I blocked her with my wings. I felt the sharp blade on her wing armour strike along my wings, trying to break my defence but I held strong. ...
Suddenly I collapsed; I lost all feeling in my body and fell limp. My body instantaneously rendered useless, there was nothing I could do now.

I opened my eyes quickly, pulling myself out of the flashback. I was breathing heavily, sweat forming all over my body. I didn't think that moment had traumatised me so much. I had been in more dire situations and scarier battles, so why did this affect me so much? I inhaled and exhaled slowly to steady my breathing and calm myself. I could still hear myself shaking with every breathe I took.

I stamped my paw in frustration, "Whatever it takes to find the answers!" I sat up and prepared myself mentally. I closed my eyes once again, creating another image of her in my head. Instead, I focused on her piercing blue eyes, slim figure, and sharp tail. Her scales shimmered with every move she made, reflecting the sun in all different directions.

I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that her book lay in front of me. My eyes landed on a white, almost shimmering book with off-white highlights. I fell forward, "this has to be her book!" I rested a paw on the book and sensed it was the wind dragon's book.
"Mystic..." I suddenly sensed her name and a clearer image of what she looked like.

I looked down to the crystal hanging around my neck, "Ah the mysterious powers of a Chronicler," I flicked it lightly, "it never lets me down." I looked up to the book patiently waiting for me to open it up and turn the pages and learn the story of another dragon. "Patience..." I told the book as I lied next to it, deciding to take a break. 

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