Chapter 5

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WARNING:  mentions of blood

I watched the white lines float across the deep blue sky, this place was more magical than I could ever imagine. I couldn't leave the building as I seemed chained to it, but thankfully I could sit on the rooftop and get a good view of the area. Magical warriors that turned themselves to stone were spread across the area, orbs and books floated around always seemingly busy. Everything was different shades of blue, giving off a very calming aura. I was trapped in this location, yet I did not feel as if I was in danger.

I turned to the book resting near me, the white parts of the cover shimmering. I knew that many centuries ago moles were attacked by dragons, but no one knew why, and no one knew what changed. This story felt real, yet I couldn't believe it. Ancient Skylands and moles being hunted were many centuries ago, and there was no written record of this time, just stories carried through generations.

Ancient Skylands from what I had been told, was a place of selfishness. They never let any outsiders in or traded with the outside world, yet the city was beautiful and rich. The city was permanently floating high in the sky so that only dragons could reach it. But this place does not exist, at least not anymore. Faded away in its own selfishness and greed.

I looked up wide-eyed in realisation, am I reading someone's journal? Is this Crystal's journal? Then how has no one discovered it? I looked back to the book cautiously, picked it up and opened to a random page.


Black ash sand squished between my toes with every step I took. I looked across to the distant volcano as I strolled across the deserted land. The volcano looked as if it had been dormant for many centuries, but even if it were to erupt, the moles reside underground so they would be safe. There didn't seem to be any species inhabiting this area, so they would go undisturbed. Knowing all this, I was still uneasy. As if there is something else; something the winds kept silent.

I was amazed at how quickly the moles collapsed their last home, no trace of their existence. Their method of travel, I was informed, is that a few moles are designated to dig a path for the entire tribe. That spare dirt from the front of the path is then transported to the back to cover up the path. This is so they can't be tracked, but more so that it doesn't create accidental potholes. Whatever that means.

I looked up to the bright moons, both illuminating the ground around me. This was not an ideal area for me to live as I am an ice dragon, but I'll manage. Most of my time was spent underground with the moles and out of the heat, then at night I come out to stretch my wings and hunt for myself. However, as time went by I found myself not hunting as much as I was getting used to the food the moles provided. It consisted of worms and... I'm not sure if I want to know what else...

Suddenly something sharp pierced my foot. I clenched my jaw and lifted my leg to see blood already seeping out of my paw. Blood soaked the sand, surrounding a small black spike resting in the sand. The spike started shifting slightly, wiggling as it was growing in size. The spike started to curve, and I realised it was the tip of a scorpion tail.

The sand underneath me began shifting. I cursed to myself and limped back a few steps. The rest of the tail and the claws emerged from the sand, and I realised it was a relatively large scorpion, no bigger than I was. In a split decision, I opened my mouth and sprayed ice onto the sand covering the scorpion and preventing it from surfacing. I turned my paw upward and blew on it gently, icing it slightly. Not too much that it would freeze my paw off, but enough to ease the pain and hopefully slow the poison spreading through my body.

The ice began cracking as the scorpion continued shifting, unbothered by the ice covering its back and tail. I limped back a few more steps to gain space between myself and its deadly pincers. The ice finally shattered, and the scorpion fully emerged out of the sand. Before I could react, the scorpion launched a strike toward me with its pincers. Thankfully, I was just out of reach as I had been backing away from it.

It took a few steps toward me and raised its back ends, preparing its tail for another strike. I leapt to the side as it struck and turned quickly to lock my jaw onto its hard-shelled tail. I yanked it sideways and leapt behind it as it lurched forward, unbalanced. After regaining balance, it turned around to face me and strike again.

"I suppose my dinner found me tonight," I mused to myself, opened my mouth and shot out multiple miniature ice shards. I aimed right towards its eyes, only a few sticking in as most bounced off of its scales. It squealed in pain and took a few steps back, but bounced back quickly, striking with its tail again out of anger. I leapt out of the way but didn't notice its pincer quickly strike at me.

It gripped onto my leg and retracted it's arm, closing the distance between us. I fell onto my side and yelped as another sharp pain sent through my back leg. As it pulled me closer, I felt it begin to lift my legs, exposing my side. I roared, realising I was in a bad position, about to become dinner. I wriggled as it continued to lift me up until I was upside down. In the corner of my eye, I saw small claws lift and expose its mouth.

I closed my eyes preparing for the pain. I wasn't giving up, I just knew when to admit defeat. Scorpion's were strong predators, and I should have been more careful. I have fought my way this far, but everything must come to an end. 

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