The Empress

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TW: very brief mention of abuse

Growing up without friends is hard.

Growing up with two friends that you have to leave is hard.

Growing up with two friends who are closer than family that you have to leave is hard.

Growing up is hard.

But that's not new information.

I grew up without parents that really cared. They weren't abusive, just... not close. I had two friends who I treated as my own family. My friends were so put off by my parents that they wanted revenge.

I thought it was unnecessary.

My parents worried for my safety (for the first time in my life) because my friends were... problematic to say the least. Mom and Dad forced me to move to a whole new state where I forced myself to not make friends. I couldn't suffer loss like that again.

Not again.

Never again.

Not until I got to college and away from the self-proclaimed king and queen did I make friends. Well, friend. He reminded me of my old friends I left. In hindsight, it makes sense considering he's the cousin of one of them.

If you thought my life was already complicated, you won't be able to handle what happens next.

My name is Virgil, and this is my story.

Starting the day I found out I was a meta.

Hey, y'all! Yeah, this is really more of a prologue than a first chapter. I promise the others will be longer than this. I know there isn't really much to theorize about so far, but if you ever have any theories, don't be afraid to share them. I'm really curious what you guys will take away from each chapter. Don't forget to hydrate!

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