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TW: cursing

"Who let me schedule a class this late?" Virgil asked, lazily locking the door to his dorm.

Dice rolled his eyes from where he sat on the kitchen counter. "I could've told you that, being a perfect planner and all."

"Oh, my god, will you shut up?" Talyn said from their spot on the couch. "Mr. Dice Sleep who can do no wrong over here."

"I'm not having this right now," Dice said, failing to swing his scarf dramatically. "Your negative energy is totally throwing off my vibe."

Talyn loudly sighed as Dice's door slammed shut. They turned to Virgil. "Did you hear the news?"

"What news?" Virgil asked as he fished around in the cupboard for some Ramen.

"They finally caught the Dragon Witch," Talyn said, sitting up, "after, like, three years. I think the group that caught her have an interview or something tomorrow."

Virgil stiffened. "What?" he said, but his mind was a mile a minute. How do you fail to mention that?

Talyn walked over and plopped themself in one of the chairs. "Yeah, it was Mist, Nightmare, Vermilion, and this new kid."

"Huh, cool," Virgil said. What the fuck, Logan?! An interview? It's like my second week here! he thought. "And they're all gonna be at this interview thing?"

"Yep," Talyn responded, popping the p. "At least that's what Logan Flores said on his Twitter earlier."

Virgil stifled a laugh. How had he gone this long without knowing Logan had a Twitter? "It's a shame," Virgil said, rolling his eyes at the absence of Ramen. "I got work tomorrow. You guys'll tell me how it goes, yeah?"

Talyn yawned. "Yeah, of course. I'm going to bed," they started to get up before pausing. "Don't stay up too late, Virge. Sunday shifts are never forgiving." Virgil mumbled a response as his roommate headed to their room.


Sunlight poured like a waterfall through the lavender curtains, creating a pool of light on the pale, carpeted floors. Birds sang their songs back and forth like a beautiful conversation that took a just as beautiful creature to understand. Dew blossomed on the emerald blades of grass. The sky carried a soft wind that whispered along your neck as you walked. The morning was absolutely, incandescently perfe—

"Ughhhhhhh," Virgil groaned, reaching around for his alarm clock. "Five more minutes!"

"Just get up already, emo!" Dice's muffled voice called from the other room.

After a long strand of curses and feeling around to turn off his alarm clock, Virgil finally relented and got up. He changed and was out the door in record time. He practically stormed into his workplace with a fiery rage. He signed in and immediately headed for Logan's office, which he then slammed open.

Logan sipped his coffee from behind his laptop screen. "I appreciate your presence, Virgil, but please do make an effort to knock. I take civility very seriously in this establishment. That being said, what seems to be the issue?"

"An interview?" Virgil questioned, eyes wide. "Right off the bat? Just like that? Couldn't have give me a warning ahead of time?"

"I thought it was fairly obvious that catching the Dragon Witch would result in publicity," Logan simply responded, adjusting his tie.

Virgil sighed, fidgeting with his sleeves. "But I can't publicly speak in the slightest. I thought the whole social anxiety thing would've made that clear."

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