The Star

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TW: cursing

Despite having to go through so many changes in so little time, Virgil's week had completely passed him by. It was Monday, his first day on the job. Logan had said he needed to check in with the doctor before doing anything else.

So here he was.

Dr. Picani's office.

He quietly knocked on the door, prompting an "Ooh! Come in, come in!" from inside.

Upon entering the room, Virgil's gaze immediately met with the full-length pride flags draped on the walls. Almost any pride flag you could name was represented somewhere in this room.

"You like the flags, huh?" Dr. Picani asked. "Hiya, take a seat." Once Virgil was seated, Dr. Picani continued. "New patient! Do you how do?"

Virgil finally took the time to take in the man before him. He looked warm and friendly, like Patton almost. His hair was dyed a soft pink which matched both his pink glasses and pink tie. His brown cardigan would be the only boring thing about him if it didn't have two colorful pins attached. The first one was the pansexual flag and the second was a pronoun pin that read "he/him".

"Huh?" Virgil simply responded. "I'm, uh, I'm good, you?"

Dr. Picani smiled. "I'm doing well, Virgil. Logan told me about your powers. Would you mind telling me how you found out?"

Virgil hesitated. "I just kinda woke up one morning with a second me in my bed."

"Mhmm," Dr. Picani hummed, writing something down on his clipboard. "Yeah, that's how it tends to go. Although, not quite as weird as finding a giant bug mouse in your room, but I'm no Marinette."

Virgil paused. "...yeah."

"Oh!" Dr. Picani said with a chuckle. "Yeah, something you should know about me is I make a lot of references to cartoons. Anyway, I know for many metas that using their powers is very draining. Would you say that applies to you mentally, emotionally, or physically?"

"I-I've only really done it a couple times," Virgil started fidgeting, "and I-I don't really notice it. When I, um... come back together or whatever, it's like a train hits me and then immediately goes away."

Dr. Picani tapped his chin with his pencil. He reached for something off his desk. "Fidget cube?" He handed the six-sided stress reliever to Virgil.

Virgil accepted the offer. "Hey, um, what are your powers if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, not at all," Dr. Picani said, smiling warmly. "I can sense when someone is in pain, whether it be mental or physical. For example, just by looking at you," he paused, eyes flashing pink for a split second, "I can tell you have anxiety and your foot is still healing from when you twisted your ankle a week ago."

"That's... really cool, actually," Virgil commented.

"Thank you!" Dr. Picani responded. "Oh, and about that ankle, you're no Perry the Platypus. You're not exactly an expert fighter yet so go easy on it when you're fighting. You might think it's fully healed and okay, but it's best to wait a couple more weeks. And, assuming you don't get Bill Cipher levels of decimated in training, I'd like to perform a physical exam afterwards. Oh, and what's your hospital and doctor's name?"

"Oh, um," Virgil leaned back in the chair. "Dr. Walker at... Feather Medical Center, I believe. And that's back when I was living in Texas. I didn't really get a doctor once I moved to Florida, so I don't really know if that's helpful."

Dr. Picani grabbed a neon blue sticky note and wrote something on it before turning back to Virgil. "Some information is better than no information. Have you ever been to therapy, Virgil?"

"One session," Virgil answered, swinging his legs onto the desk. Dr. Picani lightly tapped his shoe with his pencil to get them off. Virgil swung them back down as he continued. "My parents didn't really believe in therapy or, y'know, the price. They only let me go once when we moved to Texas to 'help with the move' I guess. Bullshit, really. Could've used a therapist long before and after that."

Virgil didn't miss the flash of pink in Dr. Picani's eyes or the light shake of his head before he responded. "Well, your lifestyle's high, but your funds are low," he chuckled. "Love that movie. Anyway, that's about it for now. Good luck on training!"

Virgil nodded before leaving the room.

Well, that interaction was pleasant. This next one, on the other hand... not so much.

Emile is precious. That is all. Oh, and here's some art.

Don't forget to hydrate!~Tulip

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Don't forget to hydrate!

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