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TW: mention of death, cursing, mention of food/eating

As soon as Virgil was out of view of Janus's cabin, he felt a wave of peace wash over him. Only now did he caution a glance up. He had been staring at his feet as they rushed through the foliage, and looking up to see the beautiful, flowering buds on the trees signaling Spring was refreshing. He held his now-practically useless watch in one hand while the other brushed branches and leaves aside. If he could get signal out here, he would've alerted his work by now.

After finding a hiking trail that led back to the city, Virgil could finally stop to take a breather. It was oddly calm. There was a pounding in his head.

That's fine.

He slowed his pace down as he knew he wasn't being followed anymore. He glanced at the watch. 1:49. Sure, he'd be a little late getting back to work, but nothing too alarming. Surely they didn't think he was dead already.

Virgil closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. It was so peaceful.

It took another 45 minutes to get back to his workplace. Once he reached the city, he replaced his mask on his face. He just happened to take a route that would cause him to pass an anti-meta park. How an anti-meta establishment managed to thrive in this town, no one knew. Virgil chuckled at the bulky white boxes positioned at the wiry gate. He calmly stuck out his hand, tripping the censors and causing an alarm to sound. He saw two guards give him a nasty look from the other side of the park. He stuck out his tongue before continuing down the street.

As soon as he pushed open the glass door to his workplace, he heard a thousand voices immediately silence.

"Virgil!" Patton came barreling at him at full speed, tackling him in a hug. "Oh, gosh, Virgil, we thought you were dead."

"Oh," he responded, chuckling lightly. "Well, I-I don't die easily." He then spotted Roman to the side. Virgil, furious, approached him. "Hey, dude, what the hell was that? Back at the jewelry store, you just left me there?"

Roman winced, adjusting the ice pack on his shoulder. "I-I didn't leave you behind. I promise."

"Uh huh," Virgil said. "Well, it sure as hell looked like you did."

"Look, I know the Duke's fighting patterns," Roman explained. "I know that he would never give up a fight unless all the opponents were gone. The people he was holding captive mattered more than any jewelry he would steal. My plan was to make him think he'd won, then go around back and free the damsels in distress. When I got to the back, he and you were gone. I told you that on the field."

Virgil sighed. "Whatever."

He was heading back to his office when Logan stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" Logan asked.

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Gotta go write a lengthy report on what happened when I got kidnapped, right?"

"Of course not," Logan said, shaking his head. "Virgil, you just got held captive by two of the most powerful fugitives of all time. I don't expect you to write a report about that. I would like to know what was discussed if you feel comfortable telling me, but it would never be documented. I care about confidentiality when it comes to my employees."

So Janus lied. That's not new information. He didn't get the nickname "Deceit" for nothing.

"Thanks," Virgil said before immediately leaving.

Once he arrived at his dorm, Talyn was sitting on the couch with their phone out. "Hey, Virge, how was work?" they asked upon noticing their roommate.

Virgil groaned. "I don't even wanna think about that shitshow. How was class?"

"Meh," Talyn responded. "It's an interesting class. Just too many assignments."

Virgil stiffened. "Shit, I have that architecture project due tomorrow."

Talyn hummed. "Yeah, I know that feeling. Hey, make sure Dice eats some food tonight. He's been overworking himself a lot." Virgil mumbled an agreement before heading to his room and plopping on his bed.

Virgil finally had a moment to himself. When you're alone and at peace, the only thing to do is dwell on memories.

So how's everyone's day been?

I've been working hard physically, so I'm really tired. I was gonna post my art of Remus last chapter and Janus this chapter but eh it doesn't matter.

 I was gonna post my art of Remus last chapter and Janus this chapter but eh it doesn't matter

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As always, comments, questions, and theories are very much welcome. Don't forget to hydrate!


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