| One | Endings & Beginnings

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Volleyball. Two teams rally a ball back and forth over the net dividing the court in half. The ball must never be dropped, nor may it be held during play. A ball game where three volleys are connected into one attack.

The memories of us sticking together ever since we were small will always be my precious memories. And it grew more exciting easily as you continue to practice at the corner of the gymnasium. I giggle as the ball hits you in the face for the hundredth time before walking towards you.

"Shouyou, if you don't learn how to properly receive a volleyball, I don't think that you'll be able to exceed the 'Small Giant'." I state as I stand behind him while he throws the ball to only look back at me dodging the ball which was now heading towards me.

"Asuka!" He shouts as the ball continues to spin towards me but I get into a receiving position before I made a perfect receive back to Shouyou.

Catching the ball, he stares at me with amazement, "Asuka! You play volleyball?!"

My fingers flick his forehead while I smile with an 'are you serious' face, "Shouyou, you do remember that I was in a volleyball team back in elementary school, right?"

His face turns realization still with the sparkles in his eyes,"Ah! I forgot!"

I just give out a sigh before I grab the ball away from him," I'll practice with you, but you have the pay me back a bunch if you want me to continue to teach you."

"Thank you, Asuka!" he smiles brightly getting me to smile.


"Shouyou, are you okay?" I ask in concern as he's on the floor near death.

He rises up while rubbing his nose, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Practicing off to one side of the sports ground is a bad location. Why don't you go back into the gym. The girls are going to do strength conditioning." I suggest getting him to brighten up.

"Then this is my chance to use the court! Come on, Asuka!" He grabs my hand as starts running back into the gym as I get drag along.

When we enter, Hinata lets go of my hand and starts rushing to the net dividing the basketball court and volleyball court and suddenly grabs onto the net.

"Izumin! Toss it up, toss it! You're taking a break right now, right?!" Hinata shouts getting me to sigh.

"Shou-chan?! Wha?! Toss?! No way, it's impossible. I can't do that!" Izumin states as he stands on the court with the basketball.

"It's fine, just throw it! Just throw it! I want to hit a spike, but I can't do it by myself." Hinata throws the ball underneath.

"I said I can't!" Isumin rejects.

"You'll just be helping me with independent training!" Hinata protests.

"But the senpai are watching!" Isumin argues before the teachers call out for the team.

Hinata stands there as the ball rolls away from him getting me to feel sadness. It's not like I know how exactly he feels, but at least I could get the general idea of how he feels. Walking to pick up the ball, I lean forward to appear beside Hinata while looking up towards him.

"Come on, Shouyou. I'll practice with you for now." I offer hoping it will lift us his spirit.

"Huh? But Asuka, don't you have tutor?" he replies.

"I can ask if I can drag it a bit later. It's not like I really need it anyway." I state getting him to smile brightly before he embraces me into a hug which I hug him back.


"Y'know, you sure practice a lot even though you can't go for any matches." Kouji states getting me to giggle to the side.

"I'm..." Hinata starts, "I'm gonna go out for matches! Eventually!! I'll gather enough people! So far, I keep getting turned down, but it'll be soon, for sure!"

"Hmmmm." Kouji replies while staring out to the field as the sun starts setting.

"It'll probably come true. He still has a whole year until we finish middle school." I state as lean forward to place my chin on my knees which are wrapped with my arms.

"How about it, Kouji?!" Hinata asks excitedly to Kouji.

"How many times am I gonna have to refuse..." Kouji replies in disbelief getting me to giggle again.


"I'm truly sorry, Shouyou." I apologize as my eyes look down to the floor with sadness.

"Hehe. It's fine, Asuka. It's not like that you had a choice." the orange hair boy replies as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Bu.." I start swinging my head up to face him.

He interrupts me as he embraces me into a hug, "Asuka, don't worry about me."


Separating from the hug, his hands hold tightly onto the side of my shoulders, "After I create a volleyball team, I promise that the first game tournament we get into, I'll play for you!"

A smile appears on my face as I close my eyes while tears start to flow down, I nod with joy.

This one precious memory out of all my memories with him stick onto me even though it pains my heart. That one promise. It was a heated promise but it never came true. Even so, I was still amazed from the play he did. And I will never be disappointed in him. Just when I thought this might be the last time I see him, it wasn't as I come back to Japan.

~ A Year Later ~

Staring at the building in front of me, I take a deep breathe to calm my panicking heart.

Karasuno High School.

"Karasuno, huh? I wonder if Shouyou is here." I ask myself while giving my surroundings a quick scan.

Heading down along the path towards the entrance of the school, the grip on my school bag tightens.

Shouyou, if you're here. I rather not see you.

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