| Three | Single-Celled Organisms

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Cracking my neck due to it being stiff, I continue texting on my phone as I have hidden it very well from the teachers' eyes. 

[ Head-Wolf: You sure you don't need some taking care of for some time? ]

[ Me: I'm fine, don't worry about me too much. It's not like this place is unknown to me, even with the changes around. No worry! ]

[ Head-Wolf: Okay then, I trust you. But once you do have a problem, message me. Also, don't come visit anytime soon, idiot wants to see you. If you want to meet up, text me. ]

[ Me: Haha, okay! Got to go, talk to you later! ]

[ Head-Wolf: Okay, stay safe. ]

[ Me: <3 ]

He's such a worrywart, but you've got to love him for that.

Heading to the gym out of curiosity once again, I climb the tree before jumping inside the spy on the events happening. Finding no childhood friend of mine, I sigh.

"Thanks for your hard work!" they all shout individually as they start wearing their black uniform jacket.

"Let's have a match! If we win, let us join!" Tanaka shouts getting everyone's attention to him, "They seem like the type to say that, don't they?"

"It's quite possible! Though after they'v cooled their heads for a bit, it'll be good if they can properly reflect on what they did, even for just a little bit." Suga hopes as he wears his black jacket.

"Those guys have remained single-celled up until now, haven't they?" Daichi states getting both Fudo and I to smirk, "...But, if they come back pretending to make up, I wonder if Kageyama will use his individual talent. If Kageyama thinks he can win by himself, then that would mean that he hasn't improved since middle school. If he continues playing like he did in middle school, trying to get passes by himself even up until that point, he will not be able to progress any further."

The gym goes silent until a shout makes everyone flinch, "CAPTAIN!!!"

Instantly,I look out of the window to find both Hinata and Kageyama standing there arguing with each other in whispers. Looking at Tanaka who steps out of the gym, they lift their heads up.

"Please have a match with us!" Kageyama starts.

"Us versus you senpai!!" Hinata finishes.

"Wow, they really came!!" Tanaka laughs as Suga slaps his forehead getting me to chuckle.

"3, 2, 1!" both Hinata and Kageyama whispers and shouts, "We'll prove we can work together by playing as teammates!!!"

"Indeed, single celled!!" Tanaka continues to laugh.

"Even though we heard you counting so you could say it together..." Suga mumbles.

"But we don't hate people like this, right?" Tanaka asks Daichi swinging his head to face him.

Daichi takes a moment before speaking, "What if you lose?"

Hinata panics as Kageyama instantly answers, "We'll take any punishments you give to us."

"Really....Well, that's fine with me. Other than you guys, there are still other 1st years that are going to join us. Why don't you guys play 3 vs. 3 with them?" Daichi suggests, "It's a game we usually play so that the 1st years that enter each year can get a feel for the club."

"EH? But, it's a 3 vs 3 right? We still need one more person..." Hinata states.

Daichi turns to Tanaka, "Tanaka, why don't you join them on that day?"

"Huh!? Me!!?" Tanaka shouts surprised.

"You said you don't hate people like them, didn't you?" Daichi reminds getting me to giggle.

"But I don't want to have anything to do with them either!" Tanaka protests.

"Even though I thought someone like Tanaka would be good at taking control of problem children." Daichi sighs perking Tanaka's ears.

"Ok!! Let's do this! Aren't you happy?! Hey!!" Tanaka slaps Hinata's arm.

That captain definitely knows what to say to get his teammates to do something. It's quite creepy. Wait, don't we have someone like that in my team, too? Whatever, just need to remind myself never to mess with this guy. 

Stepping backwards my whole body gets back into the gym, my eyes look inside the sports area as the team members are watching the scene at the doorway. With this distraction, it allows me to jump quietly down inside the gym out of anyone's view. Walking inside their storage room, I grab a volleyball and spin it in my hands. 

It seems like these were used well. So this means that this team isn't as bad as the rumors say. 

Placing the volleyball back into it's place, I rush over back to the second floor with ease. Jumping up, I grab a firm hold of the rail before pulling myself up to go over them, thanking to all the training I have done to improve my strength. Heading back to the window, eavesdrop the conversation once again.

" The game will be on Saturday morning." Daichi reports before going back into the gym with Suga closing the doors.

Once the doors close, Kageyama instantly starts walking away as Hinata slowly follows behind him. Using this chance as they are looking away, I decide to jump out of the window and hide behind a nearby bush. Hearing Kageyama and Hinata still arguing, I find a new information that I will need to keep.

" Tomorrow, at 5." the two boys plan getting me to smirk.

Once they are out of sight, I stand up form the bush and walk towards the school door that connects to the gym. To think that these type of events make me remember my own when I was gone.

Single-celled, huh?

I still remember when I was called that, with one of my teammates in America. We would argue over the simplest things but yet, bond so easily with volleyball of similar hobbies.

Missing my previous home greatly now, I just give a quick sigh before heading over to grab my bag and outdoor shoes to leave school. Making a reminder in my head, I have to arrive here at school at five in the morning just to spy once again.

For my own pleasure.

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