Wilbur, Philza, Tommy & Tubbo: Jealousy

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CG!Philza Little(s)! Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo


Wilbur looked across the room and sighed. Philza was watching Tommy and Tubbo play with stuffies. Ever since they started to regress between the ages of 2-3 years old more often, Phil was paying more attention to them instead of watching Wilbur when he was little. He was jealous. He got up from the kitchen table and walked up to his room, feeling himself starting to slip. He got his little stuff from out of his closet and tried to play with them but... He felt smaller than he usually did. He felt like a baby. He dug through his little box and found some baby stuff at the bottom Phil got him just in case he felt smaller, like this.

This happened every time he regressed after that. He eventually started having accidents so he had to buy protection and more baby stuff. 

Wilbur was in his room sitting on his bed in a light green footie, regressed and sad. He overheard Tommy and Tubbo downstairs having fun with Phil. He started to tear up. He just wanted some attention too! He started to sob and soon it turned into wails. Philza heard and told the boys to stay in the living room. He walked up the stairs and opened Wil's door.

"Wil, bud what's wrong?" Phil said, walking over to him and pulling him into his lap. Wilbur just cried louder and tried to get out of his grasp. Phil shushed him and rocked him back and forth. Wil started to calm down but still tried to get out of Phil's lap.

"Wil, bubs it's ok, it's just dada," Phil cooed. Wilbur stopped struggling and snuggled into Philza. Dadza slowly got off the bed with Wil in his arms and brought him downstairs. Tommy and Tubbo looked over to the stairs and watched as Phil came over and sat on the couch. 

"Dada? What's wrong with Wilby?" Tubbo asked, Tommy, nodding behind him.

"He just younger than he usually is Tubs," Phil explained.

Tubbo and Tommy sat in front of the couch as Wilbur looked at them. He started to fuss and whine. Phil checked his diaper and went to change him. 

Wilbur was little the rest of the day. In the morning he talked to Phil about his feelings and they made up.

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