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Valkyrie and Tyra ran through the halls before they ended up being summoned to the Grand Master with Loki

"I’m upset! I’m very upset. You
know what I like about being upset?
Blame. Right now, that’s the
mindset that I’m in. And you know
who I’m blaming?" He complained

'Grandmaster, I-" Loki interrupted him

"Hey! Don’t interrupt me!" He said as Topaz handed over the stick to the Grandmaster. Tyra felt Val drag her towards her a little

"Here you go" Topaz answered with a small smirk

"Why are you handing me the melt
stick? He was interrupting. That’s
not a capital violation" The grandmaster stated as he took a second to get back on track
"My precious champion has come up missing and its all because of that
Lord of Thunder. It’s all because
of him, your brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I’m sure there’s a big history" He said to Loki and Tyra
"And YOUR contender" He added as he turned to Valkyrie

"My dear friend, if you were to give
me twelve hours I could bring them
both back to you" Loki offered

"I can do it in two" Valkyrie smiled

"I could do it in one" Loki tried to out do her

"You know what? I woke up this
morning thinking about a public
execution. But for now, I’ll settle for this sweet little “who’s gonna get him first?” So you’re on the clock" The Grandmaster said as Val dragged Tyra out with her and they walked ahead before Loki ran after them in a hurry

"What have you done!?" He asked the two

"I don’t answer to you, lackey" Val answered him

"It’s Loki. And you will answer to
the Grandmaster" Loki warned as he grabbed her wrist. She moved her wrist away as he grabbed her other and it kept going for a second until she punched him in the face

"Don't break his face, please" Tyra asked her as she saw him stumble back before he grabbed a knife
"Loki!" Tyra scoffed

"Why would you help our brother
escape with that green fool?" Loki asked, Tyra bowed her head down as she felt that memory of what will become soon of Loki in her mind

"I don’t help anyone" Val answered. The two started to fight as Tyra stood back against the doors to stay out the way for her babys sake

"You’re a Valkyrie!" Loki realised as he managed to grab her arm and saw the marking of the Asgardian warriors. Val looked at him and continued the fight until she threw him into the wall
"I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths" Loki commented as Val charged at him and held her knee against his chest

"Choose your next words wisely" Val snarled

"Terribly sorry. Must be a very
painful memory-"

"-Loki don't!" Tyra shouted as Loki placed a hand on Val's head. Tyra looked at him with a huge disapproval. He let go of her before she fell to the floor, she took a second before she got up and dragged him to the floor before knocking him out. The walk to this room was silent as she tied Loki up in chains by the window

"Are you coming?" Val asked her

"No, I want to talk to my brother" Tyra said as she saw Loki waking up

"I'll be back soon" She smiled as she left. Tyra sat down on the side, cradling her bumb for a while to relieve herself of that annoying feeling in herself

"You're still here" Loki mumbled as he woke up

"Why did you do it?" Tyra asked him

"You do it all the time, what is the difference?" Loki asked

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now