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"What?" Loki asked her before the man fell on the floor
"Is he dead?" Loki asked

"No, they usually survive" B15 answered
"So you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down, and you're the smart one they brought in, nice to see you again Tyra" She said as she turn to face Tyra for the last part

"Me, I presume" Loki said

"Please if anyone's anyone. You're me" She said

"Why don't we skip this of who is more like who" Tyra asked them both but Loki just smiled

"How nice to meet you" Loki smiled as the two followed B15 around the store
"Enchantment is a clever trick, cowardly, a bit amature-ish, but clever" Loki told her

"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA"

"I'm working for me" Loki argued

"You really believe that, don't you?"

"Yep" Loki nodded

"And here I was worried that they'd found a better version of me" She laughed at him

"They pruned other chances but you know they can't just get rid of you easily" Ty smiled a little

"You two know eachother?"

"Quite well" Tyra nodded slowly while she took possession of a store employee instead. Tyra walked with the new possessed body while Loki checked on B15
"She's fine, I promise" Tyra told him

"Are you going to call your little friends for help?" The variant asked with a chuckle before Loki got up and followed them

"Whats the matter? Are you too scared to meet me face to face? Show yourself" Loki asked
"You know, gaining their confidence was no means feat" Loki said and the person turned around

"Oh my god. You went undercover!"

"If you could possibly sheathe your smarm for a moment. I have an offer for you, that's why I found you" Loki told them

"Go on"

"I'm going to other throw the time keepers. And, uh, cards on the table... I could use a qualified lieutenant" Loki said

"And I assume you mean me?"

"What say you, Loki?"

"Ugh, don't call me that" They scoffed
"You can call me... Randy" They added as they read the name tag

"God now I understand why you and Thor found this so annoying" Loki said

"Finally" Tyra said

"Anyway, enough with your games. I've been trying to help you. I kept them vulnerable at the Renaissance Fair for some time"

"Oh gosh and that was just so nice of you... but after eight to ten seconds of consideration, the answer is no" They told Loki as they all walked closer to eachother
"I'm not interested in ruling the Time Variants Authority" The body said before walking off and Loki followed with Tyra

"They are starting to find out" Tyra warned

"I know" they said to Tyra

"If you don't want to rule the TVA then what do you want?" Loki asked

"It doesn't matter, you're too late"

"Well I think you'll find that I'm well ahead of schedule. I found your hiding place like that, I say that makes me the superior Loki, wouldn't you?" Loki said as he kept trying to prove himself before he saw the charged
"I see, that's your plan? Lure us l here so you can blow the place up" Loki said but didn't realise that Tyra had vanished to see the person behind it all

"Hi little one, mind finishing this off for a second?"

"Don't call me that" Tyra laughed as she helped out for a second
"They are getting a lot closer" Tyra warned

"God does your brother talk a lot"

"Him and Thor never knew when to shut up" Ty nodded

"Come on" Tyra heard and she soon followed the cloaked figure to see Loki shouting at the now collapsed man. He turned to see Tyra stood with the hooded figure where his voice then was echoed through the screens. Loki watched as the variant took down the hood

"This isn't about you" She snarled at him as she looked at him just as the countdown finished

"Right" Loki nodded just before the lights went out. Tyra looked around as the only thing that started to glow was the reset charges that were placed around in every isle of the store and started to fall through their own individual windows

"Bye bye time line" Tyra said as she felt what was happening through her powers. The lights came back on but with a red tone so Loki watched his variant reach for the tempad she gained and open up a window

"Little one, you coming?" She offered Tyra

"Give me a sec" Ty told her so she waved at the two before going through the window but Loki walked with Tyra to the window

"Your allowing this?"

"I helped her many times before... there is a lot you don't know" Tyra said before she got closer than Loki as she heard Mobius approaching but she stepped forward before Loki followed her in as well, making the window close up

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now