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2 days later

"Alright, we have our plan for what is going on when... now we just need the teams" Steve said

"I can't go to Vormir or to Asgard, they are my weaker points" Tyra pointed out

"So, Tyra is gonna come to New York... I think you should take Scott, Bruce, Steve and I" Tony said

"Nat and Clint can go to Vormir from the temple where Rhodey and Nebula will go... that leaves Thor and Ratchet to go to Asgard" Steve nodded

"That wasn't hard to plan out" Nat said as she turned to Tyra, seeing the saddened look on the Princess' face
"What's wrong?" Nat asked her

"Nothing, I promise... I promise" Tyra said as she then hugged Nat tightly

"So, we have our plan, three teams, size stones... one shot" Steve said as they all stood together

"Now we just look ridiculous. Last one to be ready has to clean the entire compound" Tyra shouted, causing them all to run off to get changed as quick as possible

"Better luck next time Bruce" Tony smirked as he was the last one to be done. The Avengers all then walked out to the machine where Steve gave them another pep talk

"Hes pretty good at that" Rocket nodded

"Right!" Scott agreed

"He probably has a secret book full of speeches somewhere" Tyra laughed

"Alright, you heard the man! Stroke those keys, Jolly Green" Tony yelled down to Bruce who was tapping at the machine

"Trackers engaged"

"You promise to bring that back in once piece, right?" Rocket asked Clint

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll do my best" Clint answered

"As promises go, that was pretty lame" Rocket shrugged as Bruce then walked onto the platform and the beeping started

"See you in a minute" Nat smiled excitedly as the machine started to work. All their helmets closed up before they shrunk down.

Tyra, Steve, Tony, Scott and Bruce all arrived in 2012, New York
"Alright we all have our assignments, two stones up town, one stone down. Stay low keep and eye on the clock" Steve told them

"As you have said for the last hour straight" Tyra nodded as she used her magic to change herself into her 2012 Asgardian armour and held her sword, only to then see Hulk coming over and smashing a few things and destroying a Chatari fighter with a car. The group looked up at Bruce who covered his face embarrassingly

"Maybe smashca dew things along the way" Steve told him

"I think its gratuitous but whatever" Bruce said as he ripped his shirt off and pretended to act like the Hulk

"He is literally the worst at this" Tyra shook her head. They made their way discreetly up to Stark Tower. Tyra stood closely with Tony as they watched themselves finishing up with Loki

"Mr Rogers, I almost forgot that, that suit did nothing for your ass" Tony suddenly stated

"That's what you're focusing on right now?" Tyra asked

"No one asked you to look, Tony" Steve said down the comms

"Its ridiculous" Tony stated

"I think you look great, cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass!" Scott said

"You both seriously need to stop" Tyra said as she used her powers to switch herself with 2012 Tyra, sending 2012 upto Asgard, asleep.

"Who's got the, uh, magic wand?" Nat asked

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now