~The Liar and The Detective~

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I woke up to a boy hovering over me. "Morning, sleepyhead!" He said. He had a weird hairstyle colored purple with a checkered scarf around his neck. I got up and almost hit his forehead.  "Woah there, Shuichi!" he had started. "Don't try to hit me, I have perfect reflex!" He lied. A girl with a large green-ish bow threw a bottle at him, hitting the boy in the head. "Y-You degenerate male!" Then the boy got mad, and he got stood up and started yelling. A girl wearing red and black then came to help me get up. "The name's Maki Harukawa. The Ultimate Child Caregiver." She said. Another guy who had a large purple jacket came and shook hands with me. He had purple hair too, but his hair was spiked upwards. "My name is Kaito Momota! But, I was sure he would remember us." He said, looking over at Maki-Sama. "Well, Kaito, Obviously he didn't.." Maki started. "Alright, everyone! Let's head inside!"

Everyone introduced themselves. There was Rantaro Amami the Ultimate ???, Kaede Akamatsu the Ultimate Pianist, Tsumugi Shirogane the Ultimate Cosplayer, Ryoma Hoshi the Ultimate Tennis Pro, Kirumi Tojo the Ultimate Maid, Angie Yonaga the Ultimate Artist, Tenko Chabishira the Ultimate Aikido Master, Korikyo Shinguji the Ultimate Anthropologist, Miu Iruma the Ultimate Inventor, Gonta Gokuhara the Ultimate Entomologist, Kaito Momota the Ultimate Astronaut, K1-B0 the Ultimate Robot, Me, the Ultimate Detective, Himiko Yumeno the Ultimate Mage, Maki, of course.. and the boy who woke me up was last.

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