~The Tea Party~

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"Sure! But there's only one condition..~" He answered, with a smug look. "And what is that..?" I asked him, not so sure about what I just asked. "Well, you have a tea party with me!~" He said, jumping up and down. "And with what tea?" I asked. "I dunno, I'll ask Kirumom or something." He answered. "Yeah, okay.." I said, looking down. "Oh, also get on a skirt from Kaede's old room or something, I'll get one from Himiko or Tenko," Kokichi said, with his normal smile.

~Time Skip~

~Time Skip~

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"When can I take this off, exactly

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"When can I take this off, exactly...?, I asked, "Also, what if somebody sees us wearing these?" I pulled down my skirt. "Nishishi, I'll just knock them out! Also, you can change when I tell you, 'mkay?" I nodded.

~Kokichi's POV~

So, we walked outside, and Saihara-Chan brought the mat Monokuma gave us. Monokuma made a deal with me that he would give me a picture of Saihara-Chan in his skirt and the mat for me to mess with the class trials even MORE! Totally a deal. 

I asked Kirumi-San for the tea set, but not the tea. I'll just boil some Gatorade instead. We sat down and started talking for a bit when I made the first move in talking. "So, Saihara-Chan, do you like the tea?" I giggled a bit while saying that. He looked at me with a smile plastered on his face. "I-It tastes weird, but I won't complain. What type of tea?" He asked. My smile turned into a blank stare. "Kokichi..." He looked at me with a stern look. 

"I-It's green tea!" I said with a fake smile. "Green tea does not taste like that." He said looking even madder. "Fine... It's boiled Gatorade." I drank it and it kind of tasted like boiled water, but I paid no mind. As I drank my Gatorade, the meanie Tenko came out and started screaming at me.

"You degenerate m-male!!! You probably went through all of my drawers and took pictures!" Tenko said, speed-walking over to Kokichi. "And you!! I thought you were better than that!!" She said, looking over at me. "W-Well, Kokichi wanted to have a tea party and told me to get this skirt from Kaede-Sama's old room..-" "Sama? Wait.. you actually respect girls? Hmm... I guess you both are forgiven." Tenko said, not bothering to look at Kokichi. "Thank you, Tenko-Sama!" I said.

~Time Skip - 10:00 PM~

The nighttime announcement had gone off just now. I heard the annoying "So long, bear well!" and then the TV shut off. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I went to Tsumugi-San's Ultimate Lab.

^knock knock^ "It's me, Shuichi! I promise I have no weapons!" I said, trying to assure her that I'm not here to hurt her. "Okay, come in!" She said while unlocking the door.

I walked inside and smiled. "Sorry for coming so late, I was bored and I noticed I haven't really gotten time to talk to you!" "Oh, no worries! I was just making a new cosplay because I couldn't really sleep." I smiled. "What cosplay?" To which she answered, "Deku, from an anime, called My Hero Academia."  I don't watch anime, so I couldn't say "I know him!" Or, "He's super cool in the anime", So I just smiled.

I  yawned a little. "You tired?" She asked. "Yeah, kind of.." I said. "My room is down the hall. You can sleep there." Tsumugi said with a smile. "You sure?" "Yep!" She handed me her keys to her room, and I set out. I walked out and got into her room. I laid down on the floor and fell asleep.

~Time skip - 12:30 PM~

"Shuichi-San, good morning!" Tsumugi woke me up. "Oh, well I guess would be a 'good afternoon', but oh well!" She said. I opened my eyes and groaned. "What time is it..?" "It's time for you to leave the room, Saihara-Chan," Kokichi said, obviously mad."You promised you would eat with me!~" Kokichi said in a now mad AND whiney tone.

"Kokichi..?" I asked, "What are you doing here?" "Well, you were supposed to eat with me but you were here with this damn brat." He said. "...You should leave, Saihara-Senpai," Tsumugi-Sama said. "Okay, bye then..." I said while leaving with Kokichi."

~Kokichi's POV~

Saihara-Chan is a big fat meanie! But I do love hanging out with him, not going to lie. I don't love him though! I think we are friends. I should tell him that he should join D.I.C.E, so he doesn't have to die.

Anyway, we're walking down the hallway when we see Himiko running towards us. "Nyeh.. guys?" "Yes?" Shuichi answered. "You should come over to Himiko-Chan's magic show!" The Atua-Lover-Freak said. "Sure!" Shuichi was doing all the talking. I honestly didn't want to talk.

When we went into the gym, we saw a huge water tank with piranhas in it and a curtain. Himiko jumped in and I then said "Yas queen!" just for attention. Angie moved the red curtain to reveal a knocked-out Ryoma in the tank. One by one, the piranhas ate him. It was actually interesting.

I didn't think I would see that, but to be honest, I never really knew him. He was an EMO like Saihara-Chan, so I didn't bother talking.

~After the trial and execution~

~Shuichi POV~

Kirumi-Sama was the killer... and... I just.. can't do this... I'm going to bed now...

~Word Count: 964

~A/N: I just wanted to thank you guys for reading these chapters. Bye-Bee!~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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