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You woke up as the golden rays shone upon your face. You shifted your body around, trying to go back to sleep. Your movements were restricted by the arms enclosed around your waist. Tracing your gaze up the arm to the shoulder, then at the face of its owner.

You observed her familiar features dumbfoundedly. She had a short bob paired with straight bangs that rested just above her eyes. Studying her closed eyes, her lush thick eyelashes were very distinguishable. Although her face was a bit masculine, you knew that she was a female because of her bare chests.

Her bare chests... Bare chests... Bare...

You finally acknowledged the person you slept with and that the both of you were naked. Ripping yourself from the arms that held you, you startled the blonde awake with your abrupt movement. You dug your head into your hands, trying to remember what happened the night before. The images were blurry and hard to decipher.

"It's still too early..." Yelena groaned, sitting up and scratching her head. She then looked at your exposed form, "Huh?... What are you doing in my bed."

Rubbing your temples, you mumbled, "I'd like the answer to that too... This is not good." This wasn't good because 1, you knew her, 2, she knew you, 3, you work together, 4, she's the company's president and 5, you were her secretary.

'Oh god. Oh god. Why me?' You thought.

I D E N T I T YOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora