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"Do you not wear anything else but a white shirt and black jeans?" You asked, "At least try something different when you ask to meet me at a coffee shop."

She didn't even button up her shirt all the way...

"Why don't you try not to dress like this is a date." Yelena retorted. You were wearing a white, long-sleeved, frilly shirt that was tucked into your long yellow-orange skirt. You also donned an orange scarf, seeing it was growing colder the passing day. (Sorry if this isn't your style of clothing :c)

"I just like to look decent," you said, "anyways why did you call me out here?"

"It's about my-"

"Your gender isn't it?" You whispered. Why'd you even ask if you knew.

"Don't cut me off." She said sternly, "And yes this is about my gender."

"Ok sorryyy," you quieted down.

"I have a few people who I think would know my gender," Yelena continued, "Zeke Yeager, Dot Pixis, and Hange Zoe."

You questioned, "Aren't you like a big fan of Zeke?"

"No... We're getting off topic here." Her voice laced with uncertainty.

"Well, I do doubt it's Zeke since you two are close workers and it doesn't seem to be any negative motives coming from him," you stated.

"...I'll trust your words," She said.

"Ok so why Sir Pixis then?" You asked.

She answered, "Well, it doesn't seem he likes me very much."

"Is that even a reason?" You questioned.

Yelena raised a brow, "Yes, think about it. He's always cautious around me. It's like he doesn't trust me. Don't you think so?"

"Hm..." You pondered for a bit. "Let's pause on that one, what about Hange? What makes her apart of the list?"

Taking a sip of her coffee, she said, "Doesn't she like to explore every crook for good gossip?"

"Yes, she does," you answered.

"And what's stopping her from gossiping about me?" Yelena asked.

You agreed, "Good point... Hm... What do you think we should do next. This isn't enough information."

"That is why I thought up of a plan," She said, "Listen closely."

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

You didn't know why you agreed to this. There could've been other possible ways to find the answer but it had to be this. It was the next day and you were having lunch with a group of people. The group consisted of 4 people, Historia, Mikasa, Hange, and you. Yelena had forced you into inviting Hange to lunch, but not wanting to feel overwhelmed you invited some other people, too.

You all went into the lounge and got your lunches. All of you sat down at a table and, of course, Hange was the first to talk, "So (y/n), why'd you want to eat with us all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, you usually eat alone in your office, " Added Mikasa. Historia nodded.

You said, "Well I have been feeling lonely and I kind of want to catch up on some of the company gossips?" You sounded so uncertain, but you hoped they were convinced.

"Well, you  invited the right person." Hange said, "I'll tell you all the latest gossips."

Historia spoke up, "Don't make things too uncomfortable for her."

"Pfft, I won't," Hange said, "Anyways, did you know that Armin punched Eren? It ended up in a fight! They were friends so  that was not expected!"

"Really?" You asked.

Hange continued, "Mhm! And!" Everything else was a blur. Nothing was about Yelena, the person who was supposed to be a part of some rumor.

"I just remembered one more! So supposedly, Mr. Yelena slept with someone after the party." Hange whispered. Oh gosh, she didn't mean you did she? "Nobody knows who it was though."

"But Sir Yelena hasn't ever taken interest in anyone," Historia said.

Mikasa jumped in, "And at every single party, nobody has seen Mr. Yelena drunk."

"True that. There was also a rumor that Mr. Yelena isn't actually a guy, but a girl." Hange said. Now that was what you were looking for.

You spoke up, "Where'd you hear that?"

"I heard it from Sir-" Hange was interrupted by everyone's phones. Everyone checked their phones. 

"I guess it's time to go back," You all said in unison. You all laughed and got up and went separate ways. 

Sir who? You'll just have to figure this out yourself. Now you knew that Hange had spread the rumors, but she wasn't the one that started it. 

"Ugh, isn't lunch supposed to be a break time," You grumbled quietly, "because it definitely didn't feel like it today."

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