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Everyone's attention was on the two people in the spotlight. Yelena and whoever that man was. You could barely move closer because of the crowd surrounding the spotlight. However, you could still kind of see. Once you passed everyone, what you saw was disgusting. It wasn't Yelena or was it the guy. It was what the guy did.

"Lookie here! It seems the Mister really was a Miss!" The guy laughed, pulling Yelena's head back by tugging on her hair. Yelena's shirt was ripped open along with her vest. Under all that was a chest binder. "Now why don't you admit that you lied to everyone? I doubt they'd trust you now."

Anger pulsed in you as you yelled, "Get away from her!"

The man looked over at you and took off his mask, "My, you look sweeter than I last saw you (y/n)." By now your mask had fallen off and with it off, your disgust was visible to everyone.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" You asked. The man was Cale Smith, your beloved ex.

"Well, there were rumors that you and this thing were in a relationship. How could I possibly not get mad after hearing that?" He smiled, but his eyes said otherwise. Also, why were you never informed of rumors about you and Yelena?

"That's bullshit. Just let her go," You frowned.

Cale spoke, "How vulgar, but I don't think so. I'll also-" Before he could finish his sentence, you held onto your dress, dashing towards the brunette, and kicked him in the throat with your heels. This caused him to let go of Yelena. He held onto your foot and pushed it, knocking you over. You immediately stood up. Everyone had taken a step back to not get hurt from the chaos.

"You can do it, (y/n)!" You heard Sasha's words, "Beat him to a pulp!"

Cale went straight for you, but you kicked him the balls. If you were correct, this was a man's weak spot. Fortunately, you were correct. As he was thrashing around on the ground, you grabbed his arm and forced it behind his back, stepping on it, while you held onto the other arm tightly.

"I never knew you could fight, (y/n)," You could hear Yelena's smirk.

You answered, "I learned Judo so I can defend myself."

The man continued to struggle under you, "Ugh, F-Fuck you bitch! You're disgusting!"

"Ok?" You said, "Also can all of you stop recording and call the police?"

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You exhaled. It was evening and the party was canceled early. Now you were at the park, with Yelena, dressed like a Victorian woman who wrestled a wild animal. There was no lie there.

Yelena spoke first, "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that, but I think. So much has happened in just 2 weeks." You started, "I think I might quit this office life."

"Then where are you going to work?" She asked.

You smiled, "I actually got an invitation to work as a model for Mr. Levi. I never thought I'd accept it, but I think it'd be better than working in an office."

"Oh, that little shorty. Well, you'd make a nice model." Yelena said, standing up.

You raised a brow, "Really now?" 

Turning towards you, she leaned down, "Yeah."

"That's a dumb answer, " your cheeks were warming up, "Anyways, we still need to figure out who drugged you before we... we slept together."

Yelena straightened up and looked away, "Hmm... Is it too late to say that..."

"Say what?" You questioned.

"...That I wasn't drugged or drunk?" She smiled sheepishly. You stared at her like she had grown  2 heads, 4 arms, and a pair of wings.


"WHY THE HECK!" You screamed, your face was as red as a red jolly rancher. You kept smacking her lightly with your hand.

She apologized, "Sorry sorry!"

You glared at her and sat back down with your hands crossed.

"I guess I shouldn't have taken advantage. And just so you know," She continued, getting into your personal space, "I. Love. You." You processed her words and got flustered. Your eyes bounced around from her lips to her eyes to the ground.

Making the final decision, you lift yourself up and pecked her lips. Before you can actually sit back down, Yelena pulled you up from the bench and kissed you. She held your waist with care as you rested your hands on her chest.

"You surprisingly didn't miss the target like in some romance novels." She teased. You stepped on her foot, making her release a quiet 'ow.'

"Way to ruin the mood." You said.

Yelena chuckled, "Why don't we head home it's already late."

"Yes please, I want to get this dress off, It was so expensive just to rent and it's all torn up," you complained.

She said, "Think what you want to think because I think we look like a Victorian couple."

You sighed, looking away. Even though it was dark, it could've been easy to see her flushed face if she hadn't turned away. Thanks to the moonlight. 

The day was a mess, but tonight was enough to clean it up. 

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