Flower Hill

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Akaashi slowly drove to the pet shop, not wanting to make any sudden turns, or something that would cause him to place his hand on your leg again, seeing how you felt about it last time. Every so often he would glance at you, watching you twiddle with your thumbs, or looking out the window. Every angle though, made him want to hold you tight and not want to let go. Only thing preventing him from doing that though, is your current feelings about him. He's sure you're not particularly mad anymore, but he certainly didn't think you thought of him anymore than acquaintances.

"Akaashi I think we're here.", you tap on his shoulder as you point at the small store squished between a supermarket and hair salon.

Akaashi drove around for a bit looking for a parking slot, before finally finding one a little bit farther away from the pet store than he would've liked.

"Come on come on!", you eagerly smile, already walking towards the store.

"You're acting like we're gonna get a pet, not buy a pet bed and food.", Akaashi laughed following closely behind you.

"Yeah yeah but the animals are cute!", you smile as you throw open the doors to the store and walk in, peering through at all the cages of hamsters, frogs, and birds.

Akaashi smiled softly, looking at you get excited about looking at animals, just like a little kid.

"I got everything!", Akaashi calls to you about 10 minutes later. Turning around you see him hauling quite a large kibble bag, a smaller treat bag, and a large princess bed.

"Isn't Onigiri a boy?", you ask pointing at the princess bed.

"He won't mind, and besides it's cute!", Akaashi smiles walking to the check out.

"Ah did you two get a practice baby?", the cahier laughed scanning the items.

"Excuse me?", Akaashi coughs, as he takes his card out of his wallet.

"Oh I mean a dog, for you two! You know before the baby gets here!", she says laughing pointing at your stomach.

"Wait are you implying I'm FAT?", you sputter out.

"She's not pregnant.", Akaashi says, trying not to laugh.

"OH I'M SO SORRY!", the cashier quickly apologizes, handing you the bag.

"Apology not accepted.", you spit out, as you grab the bag of things, and march out of the store.

"Hey don't feel bad, she probably had bad eyesight.", Akaashi sympathetically supplied, trying to help you feel better.

"No, I knew I shouldn't have eaten lunch.", you glare at your legs, not wanting to make eye contact.

"y/n, if you even think about not eating, then I'm going to have to do things.", Akaashi slowly said, making each word count.

"Start the car.", you flatly said as you got in.

"Hey after we drop this all home, let's go out with Onigiri somewhere.", Akaashi turned to you and hovers his hand over your leg, before pulling it back.

"Sure.", you reply looking away.

After Akaashi pulls into the dorm parking lot, you grab the bags and quickly go up to the dorm.

"Do you need help y/n?", Akaashi calls up to you as you reach the dorm room door.

"No, I don't. I'm capable of carrying somewhat heavy things.", you call back down.

"Alright! Do you mind feeding Onigiri a treat and then bring him down! I bought a leash and collar too!", Akaashi calls to you as he stands by the car.

You enter the dorm, to hear little yips coming from the bedroom. Setting everything down, you slowly open the bedroom door to see Onigiri standing by the door.

"You're more like an Oni!", you laugh, scooping up the small puppy, and taking him out of the room.

You open the treat packet and feed him 3 of the small bite sized dog treats. After he gobbled them down, you find the leash and collar in the shopping bag and slip them onto him. He wriggled around a bit, but soon calmed down, letting you pick him up and carry him back down to the car.

"Do you wanna hold him while I drive?", Akaashi asks opening the door for you.

"You're driving again?", you raise an eyebrow as you get in the passenger's seat.

"Yup! I wanted to take you somewhere special! You know since your day has been trashy.", Akaashi smiles as he gets in the driver's seat and starts the car.

You both don't say anything as Akaashi drives to wherever he wanted to drive.

"Here we are!", Akaashi announces as he pulls into a parking lot behind a huge field after an half hour of driving.

"It's a very grassy hill!", you sarcastically say.

"It's what's in the grassy hill!", Akaashi says getting out of the car and running up the hill. You run up to him as he sits down, and unravel Onigiri's leash so he can run around more freely. Sitting there, you notice yellow flowers dotted around you.

"Look at the flowers!", you point, mesmerized at how many there were.

"And you weren't that excited?", Akaashi laughs a little following your gaze.

You guys are silent for a bit, until Akaashi softly says something.

"Have you ever loved someone y/n?"

"Hm? Oh no, not really, I've had crushes yeah, but not loved anyone.", you reply, laughing as Onigiri stomps on a flower.

"Crushes eh? How many?", Akaashi softly laughs.

"Oh I don't know, a lot probably. None of them real mind you, fictional characters. How about you?", you ask turning to Akaashi.

"I think I might like someone, I'm not sure if they feel the same way.", Akaashi's smile falters.

"Don't worry, I'll hope that they feel the same way with you.", you smile patting his hand.

Akaashi smiles, and slowly turns his head, and leans over to place a small kiss on your cheek. But you turn your head to look at Onigiri, making his lips softly land on your ear.

"Oh god these mosquitos.", you annoyingly say swatting at your ear.

"We should get going then.", Akaashi quickly says, his face a little pink from that mishap.

"Thanks for bringing me here.", you smile back at him as you scoop up Onigiri and walk back to the car.

"My pleasure.", Akaashi whispered.

a/n: HELLO HELLO MY LOVELY READERS!! this chapter was so fun to write omg omg. sorry this author's note is rushed. (because it is) im about to go eat dinner before i get yelled at by my mom. i hope you had a good time reading this chapter and ill see you in the next author's note!! bye bye!

𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now