chapter one

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The helicopter lowered jerkily to the ground, the sudden movement causing you and the other gladers to bounce around like rag dolls. 

When the helicopter finally lowers onto the sandy launching pad, the sound isn't pretty. The metal bottom scrapes against the plaster landing, resulting in most of the boys covering their ears with their hands. 

As soon as you land, the doors to the helicopter are ripped open by guards who are dressed in all black uniforms with numerous gadgets attached to the suit. They rush in and grab Minho, who happens to be the one closest to the doors. 

Moments later, more guards show up and rush the rest of you out of the helicopter and violently usher you all forward. 

You appear to be in some sort of desert, but it's hard to tell through the pitch black night sky. There's definitely sand because it blows in your eyes, leaving an unpleasant stinging sensation. 

Your hair whips in the night wind and gets caught in your mouth several times as you and the gladers pursue the giant building in front of you. 

Now that your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, you can actually make out the building. it's gray with tons of windows, and several stories high.

There's giant search lights at the top scanning the desert as if searching for a runaway prisoner. There's sirens blaring loudly. 

One of the guards to your left whips out a large gun and begins shooting in a direction in the dark where deathly screams and groans are coming from. You can't tell exactly what the things are that the guards shooting at, but you can just see the shadows the size of humans staggering up the sand dunes. 

For a a moment you freeze in panic and realization; you just escaped the maze, Chuck died, AND you have absolutely NO idea where you and the other gladers are being taken. You thought you were safe but you're clearly NOT. 

You're struck out of this train of thought when a guard pushes you forward and you continue running towards the large building, looming over the small group of gladers and you. 

Suddenly, a guard near the front of the group screams in a hard husky tone, "CRANKS!" he then whips out a gun like the other guard and starts shooting a distorted figure charging at the group. 

This time you can see this "crank" up close, and you frankly wish you hadn't. 

It looked like a female zombie, with blond hair torn and ripped out in many parts. It's skin was a ghastly pink, and the eyes were bloodshot. Worse of all, black blood was seeping out of it's mouth. 

All of these things were creepy enough, but the thing that freaked you out the most was that the veins of the creature were black and blue. They were bulging out like crazy. 

Luckily, the crank was shot before it got too close to the group. It staggered back a bit then dropped to the ground, black blood seeping out of the bullet wound in it's stomach. 

You didn't have time to process what just happened because the group came to a stop at the entrance of the building. 

Huge cast iron doors about thirty feet tall made a eerie hissing sound and smoothly slid open, revealing the inside of the building. The weird thing is, this place gave you deja vu of the maze. The doors oddly resembling the doors of the maze. 

The guards push you all through the door and it quickly shuts behind the group, sealing you in this warehouse. 

The guards lead you through a series of halls, this time you and Newt are following directly behind the guards. 

They lead you to a pretty large room with a lunch table, food, and furniture. They then leave, the factory doors sealing behind them. 

Nobody really says anything due to the shook of everything that just happened. 

Thomas and Minho immediately take a seat at the picnic table and start feasting like they never seen food before in their lives. 

Teresa gradually takes a seat at the table and you sit next to her considering she's the only other girl. 

You take an apple and eat it graciously, then swig down some water from a plastic bottle on the table. 

After eating a granola bar and some pre-made sandwiches, you're pretty full, so you sit on a chair and join the other gladers who have finished eating in small talk. 

After a bit of sitting and comforting Thomas, who clearly isn't taking Chuck's death well, the room becomes oddly silent. 

You look to Newt behind you and see he has his hand up to silence everybody. 

You stop talking and listen, eventually hearing what Newt heard; footsteps approaching the door. 

As soon as you hear the steps, they disappear for a few moments. The doors to the room slide open, revealing a man standing there. 

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