chapter four

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Janson pauses for effect then continues speaking, saying something about calling names and going to a new life.

He then begins to list off names and the kids walk up to the front as their names are called. "Conner, Evelyn, Justin, Peter, Allison, Squiggy, he pauses as a bunch of kids whoop, then continues, "Franklin, and Abigail.

He then turns and walks out the cafeteria, with a line of kids behind him.

You turn to Aris, confused, and he explains to you, "Everyday Janson calls a few names, claiming that he's taking them to some sort of farm or safe haven, but I don't believe one bit of it." 

You ponder this over for a bit, but are knocked out of thought when Aris points over to Thomas, whose starting to get up from the table you sat at, calling Teresa's name.

"What the hell is Thomas doing?" you say to yourself, then you see it, Teresa walking down the hall. You see her walk past a window in the cafeteria, seemingly dazed, but then she's out of your line of sight.

You and Aris watch as Thomas approaches the guard, frantically trying to push through to Teresa. "What are you doing to her." Thomas cries.

"Relax, she's just getting some tests done, she'll be fine." says the guard, but you can tell by the look on Thomas' face as he returns to his seat that he's not reassured.

Time skip

You and the gladers return to your room for the night after dinner, everyone seemingly shaken up, especially Thomas. He's worried about Teresa.

Newt and a few others go to comfort him, and most people chit chat with each other. 

You go over and talk to Frypan, whose complaining about the food here, he says that he can cook WAY better than that, which earns a chuckle from Winston, and a giggle from you.

The whole time, you can't help but feel lonely, noticing that you feel weird without Aris next to you. You know you just met him, but it feels as you've known him forever.

You also can't ignore the fact that he seems extremely familiar to you. You find yourself thinking about him most of the time.

After a while it gets late, and around 10pm Janson quickly stops by the room, "Light's out!" he says as he shuts off the huge lights in the room, making it pretty dark.

This earns a few groans from the surrounding gladers. Minho protests, saying that he's pulled all-nighters in the glade before.

You scoff, then return to you bed to get some rest.

The blankets aren't the best, just a thin sheet and a somewhat larger sheet sheet in the shade of navy blue. It's all you've got so you shrug it off and drift off to sleep on the rock hard mattress.

Time skip

You're awoken by sounds in the night, and you open your eyes to see what's making the noise. 

It feels like your eyes are being scratched when you open them, and you find yourself wanting to close them but can't.

The sounds around you get progressively more intense by the second. It sounds like someone's pulling wet silk through a brass tube, which is oddly specific, but then you place the sound as someone breathing.

The breath is wet and slow, pausing at different intervals. You also hear a scratching sound, like someone's cheese grating a piece of cloth.

Several of these sounds hit you at once, you want to scream but you can't, you mouth refusing to move.

You see shadows dancing in the room, like little demons approaching you, purposely slow.

You want to scream, cover your ears, run, anything to get out of this dream like state but can't.

After a while the noises die down and the shadows retreat back into the darkness.

The feeling in your body returns and you're able to move again.

It's oddly silent except for the shallow snores of the surrounding gladers.

You decide to get up and go to the sink, figuring some cold water splashed on your face might help you forget about the nightmare.

You slip out of your covers and tiptoe across the room to the sinks.

You turn one on and cringe as the handle squeaks quite loudly, making Newt, whose in the bed nearest to you, fret in his sleep.

You put your hands over the ice cold faucet and splash water on your face, ridding it of the sweat that accumulated on it.

You garb a nearby towel and dry off your face, then make a slow and steady walk to your bed, careful not to wake up any other gladers.

You return to the covers and slide underneath them, drowsiness taking over, making your eyelids grow heavier by the second.

You feel yourself about to fall into the depths of sleep, when you hear a noise, a noise unlike the one you heard in your dream.

The sound is like little bumps on plastic or rubber, no it's metal, and it's coming from the vents.

You freeze in your bed, just wanting to go to sleep but the bumps keep up, increasing for a bit, then stopping and starting up again.

It freaks you out, it sounds like something is crawling through the vents.

You can't remember if there was a vent under your bed, but do recall the faint memory of seeing one there before.

The noises keep coming until they get near. Then they stop, and you hear a soft scraping sound as the gate of the vent slides off and softly clatters on the ground under your bed.

You work up the nerve to look under your bed, and when you peek your head under you see...

through the vents (aris x reader)Where stories live. Discover now