chapter nine

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DISCLAIMER: this chapter will contain some scenes that are a bit, uh, let's say, spicy. so if any of y'all get traumatized it ain't my fault (btw, you'll get railed)

You have the admit, the scorch is hot as hell. You've been here for about two days or so. 

It was late at night, and you couldn't sleep. You decided to write about this crazy experience in the journal you stole from WCKD. You began writing.

The scorch, 
It's been quite hot the last few days we've been in the scorch. Everyone still has hope because of Thomas. He's been leading us somewhere called "The Right Arm" in the mountains. Oh how crazy he is. Anyways, I recently got a boyfriend. His name is Aris and he's the literal sweetest. He's got these amazing blue eyes and perfect brown hair, and his smile- AHH, it makes my heart flutter."

You were interrupted with a tap on you shoulder. You quickly swung your head around, looked up, and saw Aris behind you. He took a seat next to you. "Why are you still up?" He asked. 

"Couldn't sleep." You replied, closing your journal. 

"What's that?" He asked. 

"Nothing." You replied, putting it into your pocket. 

A really awkward silence came between you and Aris. 

He finally decides to break the silence. "So, that kiss, you liked it?" 

"Oh, I guess so..." You say, blushing furiously.

You glance over at him, looking straight into his eyes. From what you could tell, he was blushing like mad, while trying to flirt. You can't complain though, you were too.

"You wouldn't mind another one, would you?" He says, smirking.

"Well, umm-" 

Before you know it, his lips crashed onto yours. 

As time went on, the sweet, innocent kiss got more heated. 

You climbed onto his lap, not even knowing what you were doing.

He picked you up and carried you to his tent. 

He put you down and looked into your eyes. 

They had lust in them. 

You both knew what you wanted. 

You grabbed the collar of his sweater and kissed him, but a bit rougher. 

You unzipped his sweater and yanked it off, you then flung it somewhere around the tent.

Aris began to tug on your shirt, wanting you to obviously take it off. 

So I did. 

He took your bra off with a bit of struggle. 

You tugged at his shirt and he took it off, revealing his abs. You ran your hands down his chest while he massaged yours. 

He tugged on your pants leaving you only in your underwear. 

You looked at him, smirking. 

"Sir, you need to lose those." You said, pointing at his pants. 

He got on top of you and took his pants down. 

His hand traced you stomach, slowly going down. 

Seconds later, his hands were at the very tip of your underwear. 

He looks back up at you, and begins to take them off. 

You reached your hand down towards his boxers and started palming him through the slim fabric. 

"Fuck." He whispered. 

He glances up to you, and begins to remove his boxers. 

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