chapter two

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The man walked into the room with a evil smirk plastered on his wrinkled face. He had bright blue eyes and a pathetic stubble that could pass as "facial hair". He had sleek grey hair that was thinning in the back, with spots turned completely white.

His face was pinched, later described by Minho as "making him look like a rat". The man seemed quite older, and you could tell he had gone through his fair share of stress.

He was slowly gazing around the room, his black leather coat and grey shirt swiftly moving as he scanned the group of gladers.

"Come with me" said the man, in a gravely voice.

You and the others get up to follow him through the maze of corridors until you come to yet another large set of iron doors that glide open with a swish. 

"Let me introduce myself" the man said as he turned around to face the group, "You can call me Mr. Janson." he said, something slightly off about his tone. 

He turned around and continued walking forward through the doors, through what looked like a factory. 

The gladers and you continued to follow, Thomas taking the lead in the front.

There were heavy machinery all around, shrieking and cutting all sort of metal. 

Sparks were flying and at one point Newt had to physically duck to avoid a large spark coming towards him. 

After a few minutes of walking, Janson started talking from his spot at the front of the group. 

He pretty much reviewed everything Ava Paige told you on the video you all saw when you escaped the maze; there was this disease called the Flare, you were luckily immune to this disease, and WCKD did all of this to you. 

He didn't mention anything about more trials, unlike Ava did, which took some of the relief off your shoulders for now.

After his short speech, Janson led you all through another set of doors and into more, brightly lit, white walls.

He led you and the boys to a door and said, "But first, let's do something about that smell" and whipped open the door to reveal several shower stalls. 

He pointed to you and showed you a door right across the hall, which was a showering room for females. 

You walked into the room, which was empty, undressed, and went into the farthest stall from the door, putting the water to the hottest temperature possible, which honestly wasn't too hot. 

You stood there and let the warm water beat against your back, the droplets gently massaging your tender muscles.

You cleaned your body with a bar of soap and washed your hair, then stepped out and grabbed a towel, which was stored in a nearby shelf. 

You towel dry your hair and then wrap the towel around your body, you then venture through the room in search of the clothes that Janson said were provided.

They were on a separate shelf across the room, you tried them on and they fit perfectly. 

You had soft, cotton undergarments, and even white, comfortable socks. 

The pants you had were a navy blue, somewhat resembling sweatpants, with pockets and a adjustable waistband. 

Your shirt was a light blue one, which was soft and short sleeved, there was even a small navy blue digital watch, which you strapped around your wrist.

You put on the black sneakers at your feet and tied them up tightly. them combed your hair with your fingers, trying to make it look nice. 

You exited the shower room and were greeted by a guard, apparently waiting for you.

The guarded led you through the halls once again, the walkie-talkie on his chest beeping loudly. 

You were led to a large, long room, which could almost pass as a hallway itself. 

The guard pushed open the regular doors and led you through what looked like a mini hospital. 

You passed Minho, who had fresh clothes on and was running a treadmill, the doctor next to him was taking his pulse as he ran.

To your right was Thomas, a male doctor was taking samples of his blood and putting it in a small container. 

You followed the guard a bit further and passed Teresa, who was sitting on an examination table, while a doctor was beginning to close a curtain that separated her from the rest of the hall.

Finally the guard stopped, and handed you over to a male doctor. 

The man was bald, with plain and simple facial features, making him look around fifty. 

He sat you down in a chair next to Newt, who also happened to be there. 

He came back with a giant syringe, filled with blue liquid, and approached Newt. 

Newt gulped and asked the doctor what that stuff was, his voice cracking a bit. You couldn't judge thought, you also had a fear of needles. 

The man explained while swabbing Newt's arm with an alcohol wipe that it was just a cocktail of vitamins and important stuff that your body missed out on during your stay in the glade.

Newt looked up at him, curious, then looked away and flinched as the man inserted the needle into the veins of his lower arm. 

He went away and you shot a nervous glance at Newt, but it was cut off by the doctor returning with the same blue syringe. 

He swabbed your skin the same way he did with Newt then lowered the cold needle into your skin.

You flinched and looked away in pain, feeling the liquid seep into your veins. 

The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to vomit, but luckily the man was done.

He left them returned with two medical bandages, one for you, and one for Newt.

Time skip

Janson led you and the rest of the gladers through the maze of hallways until you reached a solid metal door. 

Janson swiped a key card through a slot on the door and the door opened, revealing a tight room, with metal bunk beds lining the wall.

In the corner of the room were a few sinks and a separate door which was a one person bathroom. 

You all slowly walked into the room, heads turning slowly to take everything in.

Janson mentioned something about dinner being in half an hour, then left, the metal door shutting and locking into place.

Most of the boys hopped onto one of the beds, claiming it as theirs.

You found a bottom bunk, with nobody on top bunk, so you sat on it, therefore claiming it as yours.

A few of a gladers sat around, starting small talk with each other, so you joined Newt and Thomas, who were chatting about their experience here so far.

A while later, the door to your room unlocked, and swung open to reveal a figure standing there.

through the vents (aris x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt