chapter twelve

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Minho sat down on one side of you and Thomas on the other. 

"You know, he really isn't happy." Said Minho, stating the obvious. 

"Oh really? Didn't notice." You say, rolling your eyes. 

He chuckled and went to see Newt, Thomas following him. 

You glanced up, seeing Aris walking out of the tent. You quickly looked at the ground, hoping he wouldn't see you. You heard footsteps getting closer and closer and then stop right in front of you. 

You stared at their feet, before looking up. It was Aris, with one big smirk on his face.

"Might want to cover that up." He said, pointing to a spot on his neck. 

"What?" You said, confused.

He pointed to one of the trucks windows. You walked over to the truck and looked in the window. You stood there in embarrassment. There was one big purple spot on your neck.

Aris walked behind you, kissed the spot on your neck, and walked away.

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