prologue: Errors disappearance

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-||- Pov change
}××{ Location name
{~~} Location Info/Who's there ??
' ' thinking
" " Talking
"Italics" sarcasm
"Bold" Error/Character yelling
∞[]∞ Flashback Beginning/Ending
☁︎•---------•☁︎ End of Chapter

And let's Commence into the story shall we? :)


-|No Pov|-


One of the Most Beautiful AUs Amongst the others. Home to a World of monsters Trapped in space Having plenty of amazing Places to Stargaze at...

But in a way, it's also one of the most dangerous, as at some Peeks, Lays below the Void...


}×One of the Not often Visited Peeks×{

A group of Skeletons Stands at a peek one that isn't very safe as it doesn't have any rails or anything like that. Near the Ledge, a Paper Sits as a Soft Static Fills the Air Around them.

There were 5 Skeletons Standing more away from the Edge. They all were skeletons that seemed Alike but all wore different Outfits along with their Eyes Different Shapes.

One appears like an Artist whose Eyelights Changed different shapes Often when he Blinked, one Dressed all in Yellow and Black like a Golden Guardian their Eyelights Normally as stars, one who seemed to fit in the Au the most of a Starry Theme, Though had the Average Eyelights of two dots, One who seemed to wear some sort of Battle outfit with a Blue bandana eye lights 'Normally' night Blue Stars, and one Who seemed like Death Himself, His eye lights Also the Average other than from the times he makes them disappear...

They were Ink, Dream, Outer, Swap, And Reaper Sanses

The 5 Stood there, a Shocked and Confused Expression Layed out on their Faces. Swap was Confused, Worried, and Scared Expression all at once, Reaper's Eyelights were nowhere to be Found as they weren't showing. Dream and Outers Eyelights were Small, and Ink Just seemed Plained out Confused...

-|Outer Pov|-
}×One of the Not often Visited Peeks×{


I spoke After a Long Uncomfortable Silence between the others

The others Faced me, Except for Ink who Just stared at the Cliff edge, where the Destroyer was

∞[5 minutes earlier...]∞

"Give up Error! We've Cornered you and you have nowhere else to run, Give up!"

Ink yelled at the Destroyer who stood near the Ledge of a Cliff that lead down into the Void


The Destroyer Chuckled Tiredly as He'd Sit down at the Edge like he would When I Found him in my Au, Though this time he was a little more Injured as we Battled him for a good while.

"You know This wasn't something I wanted..."

I stood there a little Baffled, He didn't want this? But then, Why did he Destroy?

"Though, It Was Bound to Happen with the Sick Game we're Playing Every day. Always Judged wrongly For Actions we had Little to no Control Over"

Error Looked Up at the Stars, though From my Angle I couldn't tell what his Face was like..

The 4 of us Glanced at each other, Blue Kept His Look on Error, though he seemed worried about something...

"Well, I guess this is Our end with how I see it.."

Error Looked at the 5 of us with a small Smile, Not of Insanity, But of Pain, His Expression Seeming Tired of something

"Well, all I have to say now is...Bye"

Error Lifted His Arm up as If Reaching to someone Before He was seemingly Pulled into some Invisible portal by a Light Blue Boney Hand that Appeared out of Nowhere.

We then stood there Quietly Staring at the Note that Sat there Confused on it all.

∞[Back to now]∞

After a bit quieter besides from the Strange Static that stuck around, I walked Towards the Paper to pick it up, the others watched me Closely...

I bent down to Grab the Folded Paper And Unfolded it as I Stood Back up. I'd read the Note out loud

"For those who are reading this, I've probably already Left..."

'Wait.. has he been Planning this?'

"I Honestly Thought that I could get them to see the Truth and past the Lies of their Dear Creator.."

Lies? What did error mean by that..? Is ink Hiding things?

"But seeing this means I gave up on Saving the Multiverse and off to go find myself somewhere to Live while It all Falls apart, I can thank Nex for Helping me go somewhere else other than here"

Nex? Who's that..?

"She apparently Knows how to get threw Multiverses Without Jumping into the Void and Feeling the Pain of Being ripped apart and put back together till you could Die"


"But I'm not sure of which Multiverse I'll be entering as she already is doing a lot by Bringing me out of my so-called Home, and into a Different Place. She also said she'd stay with me so at least I won't be alone anymore"

There's more...

"Oh right before I forget to weigh it down, Expect a Visit from Nex's Sister, Bless. Nex told me that Bless is going over there to Smack all of those who didn't listen to me or something..."

And that was the end of the note. But it left me with More Questions than Answers, and I'm sure The others too...

"Wait so someone is Coming to slap us now-?"

Ink slightly Blurted out and we all looked at him

"Was that really all you heard?"

Swap said as he Stared at Ink Dumbfoundedly


Annnd that's a Wrap up of the Prologue as we shall see what happens in Chapter 1 when I Weight it tomorrow cause it's 12 37 am while I'm Finishing this now lol-

Sorry for not really doing my stories Motivation has been Sucky for me lately

See y'all in the mornin :)

A Ghosted Glitch | A Fgod Of Destruction Story (Being Rewritten!)Where stories live. Discover now