Chapter 4 Bless's Visit (Part 3)

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-||- Pov change
}××{ Location name
{~~} Location Info/Who's there ??
' ' thinking
" " Talking
•''• Voices
"Italics" sarcasm
"Bold" Error/Character yelling
∞[]∞ Flash back Beginning/Ending
☁︎•---------•☁︎ End of Chapter
>›‹< Checks
>Check Info

And let's Commence into the story shall we? :)


-|PaperJam's Pov|-
}×Star sanses Base×{
{~Pretty much the Whole council | Bless and PJ are also there | Stable.?~}

As I keep Watch of all the other Skeletons I hear Bless Sigh in what I Think is an Upset/Tired way

"Oh well.. not like it really matters, I don't think I'll see any of you any time soon."

Bless Said while Shrugging her Shoulders at the last sentence she said.

"Is that Supposed to be a Threat?"

Someone Else Said still Holding their Weapon. Bless Shook her head Putting her Hand to her fore skull

"Dream just read the Note to them Already.."

The one who was pretty much dressed in all Yellow and with a Yellow Crown seemed to get nervous when Bless Used that tone of Voice as they'd Fumble with the piece of paper they held somehow almost Dropping it. Wonder why they got so nervous...

-|Dream's Pov|-
}×Star Sanses Base×{
{~Pretty much the Whole council | Bless and PJ are also there | Stable.?~}

Slightly Fumbling with the Folded Paper in my Hands I'd Nervously Unfolded it Also Clearing my non-existent Throat in the same way.

The last time I Heard Bless Talk in that tone was back before the Apple indecent...

∞[Flash Back| Way before the apple incident]∞

As I was Walking Back from Helping some of the Villagers I saw Bless, a new Friend Nightmare, and I Made not too long ago along with their Twin Nex. Though Nex wasn't here today...

"If I see you or even hear that you've been near Nightmare Again, You'll be lucky if you just get a few Broken Bones"

I heard Bless say as I walked up behind the Tree.

"Ha! Like you'd even be able to beat us! Hahahaha!"

I heard the Villager say as I heard two laughter. Bless let out a Small Growl

"You Sure about that? I may seem sweet, But my 'Friend' you're Oh so Wrong"

Bless said with extreme Venom when they said, Friend. The Villagers stopped Laughing.

"Well then, Meet us Behind the Shop at Sunset. Then you can get your ass Kicked by us!"

The Villagers Started Laughing again. Bless Scoffed

"Fine, But don't Go Whining to your Parents if I am the one Kicking your Butts"

Then I could Hear the Villagers walking away still Laughing. I'd take a Quiet Deep breath before Walking from behind the Tree.

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