chapter 04 : The Training

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The weather grew breezier, brighter, and warmer as the months passed since they first came, Lizzy and Sasha wake up too early that morning because they sniffed a grilled meat.

It was their fault to put their room near the Kitchen. So early in the morning, the two of them crept into the Kitchen.

"They are still sleeping like buffaloes," Sasha giggled as they make their way out of compound. They ducked through each of the trainees' rooms.

Lizzy pulled Sasha's down as she tried to peek at one of the room they passed by. "Get down, Sasha. You want meat or detention?" she whispered and Sasha nodded slowly.

The smell of meat grew fragrant, indicating that they were close to the Kitchen.

"So this is the smells of Heavens," Lizzy said.

"Exactly!" Sasha replied exitedly.

Sasha looked crazy when she smelled meat, she almost slipped in if only Lizzy didn't pull her back again. "Don't be fool, Sasha!"

"I want to gobble it now!" she said, but Lizzy pulled her, "No way! I have a plan already,"

They peeked out of the kitchen window and saw meat grilling right up there. Lizzy whispered something into Sasha's ear and took the pebble next to her.

She threw it near the dog that guarding the kitchen which was strapped to the front door. The dog barked and the chef in the kitchen came out to check on things outside.

While Lizzy keeps track of the dogs and chefs outside, Sasha's role is to put as much meat in as possible.

Their plan worked and they breakfasted first with a lot of meat. They ate and joking quietly until Lizzy suddenly saw a shadow of a bald head standing in front of them.


They stop joking and looked at each other with bulging eyes and mouths full of meat.


"Oh damn," whispered Lizzy, jumping to her feet. Keith Shadis was swooping down upon them, his shriveled face contorted with rage.

He twitched Lizzy and Sasha's ears and herded them out onto the ground. "Learn about self-control you two!" he growled. The sun had not yet risen and their punishment was to count the amount of pebbles around the ground.


"121.." Lizzy puffed as they count around the ground. But when Shadis didn't pay attention to them, they're continue goofing off.


"Isn't that Lizzy and Sasha?" Connie yawned as he walked towards the ground with the others.

"What are that two idiots doing?" Jean muttered with laugh.

At the training grounds, the other trainees are sparring while Lizzy and Sasha got punished so they don't take part in that practice.

Eren flips over Reiner, "Ouch!" said Reiner.

"Sorry, man. I suck at holding back," apologized Eren.

"You play the bad guy next," Reiner holds out a wooden dagger to Eren, but Eren hesitates to take it.

"What's wrong?" asked Reiner.

"I just don't see the point of training like this. It's not like soldiers fight other humans, Plus, only a fool would go bare-handed against an armed opponent," grumbled Eren.

"That's irresponsible thinking. We're soldiers. There are times we can't back down, no matter how hopeless the situation, We can't always be sure who or what we're up against, so we master artillery and hand-to-hand combat, too. That's our responsibility as soldiers. Would ya look at that?" said Reiner.

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