Beginner's Arc Part 1: The Journey Starts Today!

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Leaf got up and ran to the lab. She had to get there before everyone else so that she could claim her Pokémon first. She was still not one hundred percent certain which she wanted but she figured that a Charmander would be epic. She finally reached the lab and noticed there was only one remaining Pokéball. She opened it up to find a Squirtle. Not exactly her first choice. Or her second. But it would do.

"Alright, Squirtle! It's just you and me!" she smiled.


Meanwhile, in Johto, Lyra picked her first Pokémon from the ones available. She liked the look of the Chikorita! It was sooo cute! She just couldn't resist. She decided she wanted to practice a little bit.

"Chikorita, use razor leaf!" Lyra laughed. She tried to imagen what a real Pokémon battle would be like. It would probably be really fun! She couldn't wait.


May groaned as she got out of bed. Time to get a Pokémon. There was no way of getting out of this one!

"Do I have to?" she asked.

"Yes!" her mum replied sternly. "If you don't, I won't make you your favourite meal for dinner!"

"Oh COME ON!" May groaned and hurried to find her bike so she could cycle to the lab. When she finally got there she noticed that the grass-type was kinda ugly and although the fire-type was cute, she didn't like fire-types. She didn't like Pokémon in general but she despised fire-types. Too dangerous. This left her with one option: Mudkip!


Dawn was cycling over towards the lab, not really paying too much attention to her surroundings. Suddenly, she noticed a bright light. 

"Give us your Pokémon and no one gets hurt!" a voice called.

"I haven't got a Pokémon yet, I'm going now!" Dawn admitted nervously. Seven strange turtle-like creatures with spiky shells appeared and wrestled her to the ground.

"You belong to the Koopalings now!" one of them announced.

"Huh. We were going to take you for Team Flare, but I guess you're busy! Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind joining you turtle-shells!" a woman laughed. Three other women were standing behind her, clearly agreeing with her proposals. Another girl leaped down and attacked the Koopalings.

"Hope these little guys weren't bothering ya!" she smiled at Dawn.

"Oh, it's okay! My name's Dawn! I'm about to get my first Pokémon! You must have a Pokémon already! Who did you choose? I'm going to need some help to confirm my decision!" Dawn replied.

"Oh, I'm not from this universe! My name is Princess Daisy of Sarasaland! You can just call me Daisy. I hope you can visit me like I'm visiting you! You can even show me your Pokémon! Anyway, I've got to go back now! See you again, I hope!" Daisy called out. She disappeared through a portal and Dawn hurried to the lab. She decided to choose Piplup, after all, Chimchar and Turtwig were ugly! With Piplup alongside her, she returned to the location she met Daisy. The portal was still open! She held Piplup tightly and walked through.


"There you are, Rosa!" Hilda smiled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting on such an important day! You must hate me! Why do you even hang out with me? You've known me for so long you know I'm uncool! There are so many cooler people out there! None as cool as you of course! But still, waaay cooler than me!" Rosa sighed.

"Well, no, I don't hate you! I love you as a friend! After all, we've known each other for forever! You would think that our bonds would stand the test of time! Well, of course they do! They always have done! Why would we be friends if they hadn't? You honestly don't know just how much you're worth it! So let's go, get our first Pokémon and show the entire world that we are powerful!" Hilda replied.

"Oh, you know I'm not really cool! You're just saying that to make me feel good. Since we're getting our Pokémon at the same time, we should agree on who's getting what! So, Hilda, what's your choice in starter, imagining I wasn't there!" Rosa beamed.

"Uhh... well you know I've always loved fire-types! This honestly isn't a hard question, even with you in the picture. I honestly can't believe you don't like fire types! They're the best type! You're crazy!" Hilda smiled.

"Well, you're right with all that! You sure you don't hate me? You said it yourself, I'm crazy! Anyway, I guess, I prefer water but it depends!" Rosa blushed. They chatted as they walked off to the lab where Hilda chose a Tepig and Rosa, disliking Oshawott, decided to go for Snivy.

"Okay, let's go back to my house! I've still got to pack some clothes! Then, after a good nights sleep, we can go and start challenging gyms. Unless you don't want to! I won't force you! And it isn't very fun if you're not in on the action either!" Hilda admitted. They walked for a bit before accidentally walking into a portal.


Serena checked her wardrobe to find a cute hat to go with her outfit, eventually choosing one.

"I'll send you some outfits tonight, okay! I'll send them to Santalune gym. Tell me if you don't make it there in time tonight and I will send them wherever you end up instead!" her mum called to her as she left.

"Okay, I promise to get there as soon as possible!" Serena replied and hurried off to the lab. When she got there, she decided her favourite was Fennekin, a fire-type Pokémon. That was her choice. Admittedly, fire wasn't her style, but she liked the look of this adorable Pokémon.


Selene hurried over to find the professor.

"Here's that shiny stone you wanted!" she called.

"Ah, thank you Selene! I was wondering, is there any chance you were thinking about getting a Pokémon?" Professor Kukui asked.

"Oh, I never really thought about that. I just watch them battling on TV. I never considered being in the stadium myself!" Selene replied.

"Then today is your lucky day! Rowlet, Litten, Popplio, the choice is yours! Take your pick!" he announced.

"Okay then, Rowlet, I choose you!" Selene smiled excitedly.


"So if Sonia's Yamper uses a move now, she can finally defeat that challenger!" Gloria gasped.

"Are you here to cheer on my granddaughter?" a woman smiled behind her. Gloria turned around. Professor Magnolia! She nodded in awe. "You haven't got your first Pokémon, so I will let you choose. Here are your choices. Which do you like the look of most?"

"Sobble!" Gloria called out sternly.

"Oh! That's an odd choice! No one ever chooses Sobble! This Sobble has been our water type for five years in a row!" the professor admitted. Suddenly, they were interrupted by an Eternatus causing a storm. Gloria ran along with her new Sobble and called for the Pokémon to use bubble beam. It failed (why did she expect any better?) and the Eternatus opened up a portal, sucking Gloria through!


Leaf got up and looked around. This was not Kanto. This was space. She was in a rainbow space station. What? She noticed eight other girls, just as confused as she was.

"Uhh... hi?" she smiled nervously.

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