Beginner's Arc Part 2: Rainbow Road

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"You girls woke up. I didn't realise you had it in you!" a girl joked.

"Daisy!" Dawn gasped.

"I knew we'd meet again, Dawn! So, can I see your first Pokémon? I'm interested. Oh, and don't worry about the Koopalings. They won't be an issue as long as I'm around!" Daisy smiled.

"You know this girl?" Serena asked.

"Know her as in I met her this morning!" Dawn corrected her.

"Hey! How did we end up on a space station?" May asked.

"Welcome to Rainbow Road!" Daisy announced.

"Rainbow Road?" Leaf gasped.

"That makes sense. I mean I guess you guys couldn't give this place a more interesting name!" Hilda commented.

"Don't worry! We've got at least five others! I can show you if you want. Oh, or you could go to Rainbow Coaster or Rainbow Downhill. Makes you wonder where these names come from!" Daisy smiled.

"If that makes you wonder I'd hate to know how you handle maths!" Gloria admitted.

"It was clearly phrased as a joke!" Lyra laughed.

"Yeah, our naming scheme is not very original! I mean we have a place called Big Blue. If that doesn't prove that we can name places well... Oh, in case you couldn't tell, Big Blue is big and blue. That's all you need to know. That and the people there have great taste in music!" Daisy replied.

"How many Big Blues are there?" Serena asked.

"Only one," Daisy sighed. "It's also one of the few tracks where the start and finish aren't the same. Wario Mountain is another one. But not all of our names are simple and predictable. Mute City is actually quite loud for somewhere with mute in its name. Its music is decent. Nowhere near as cool as Big Blue! Now that I think about it, they have the same strange and unique features. Oh, you should go to Electrodrome. It's always a party there! You'd love it."

"Oh, uhh... okay!" Leaf smiled nervously.

"Oh, wait, you guys are gonna need karts, right? Well, I reckon you guys should use the monster tires. They're sooo cool. Not sure about the stats but that's fine. You probably wouldn't even notice!" Daisy replied. She made them some karts. Well, technically they were bikes. She showed them how to use them and they practiced for a bit. After they had all got the hang of it, Daisy showed them to the start of Rainbow Road's track.

"Okay, the rules are... 1: There are three laps, 2: Use the item boxes as you please, 3: Everything else is pretty much the same as a normal race in any other universe. So three, two, one, LET'S GO!" Daisy called.

They raced around the course. Most of them kept falling off but Leaf and Hilda were able to avoid it and pushed their ways to the front.

"Hey! How come you rookies are up at the front already?" Daisy gasped.

"Because Hilda has skill!" Rosa cheered as she accidentally fell off the track for the seventh time.

"Nah, she's just good at staying on the track! Everyone knows that I'm the best here!" Leaf laughed. Suddenly, she was struck by a blue, spiky shell.

"That's what you get for saying Hilda has no skill!" Rosa scowled.

"Not quite what I said!" Leaf retorted.

"To be honest, that's exactly what you said!" May commented. Leaf then realised that Hilda was far ahead and that she's got too distracted arguing with Rosa. That and the shell had slowed her down. Hilda just laughed as she crossed the finish line in first place. Leaf just sped up and took the second place, followed by Daisy, then May, then Gloria, then Lyra, then Selene, then Dawn, then Serena, and Rosa came last. As they got off their bikes, Daisy noticed a letter. Dear Mario, we have taken your beloved Princess Peach and held her hostage at Grumble Volcano. If you want her back, you will have to come over here and fight us! the letter read.

"It's addressed to Mario. Honestly though, I don't know why he bothers saving her. She's just going to get captured again anyway. Still, not like Mario's gonna notice the letter if you put it in the wrong location so I guess we should just do this ourselves!" Daisy sighed. She brought them over to Grumble Volcano and they got on their bikes and hurried to find Princess Peach. She was surrounded by fire snakes.

"Tepig! Use flamethrower on those fire creatures!" Hilda called.

"Wait, isn't that a fire-type move? Against a fire-type creature? That isn't going to end well for anyone involved! Squirtle! Create a shower to weaken these fire-types!" Leaf announced. It started to rain.

"Rain? At Grumble Volcano?" Daisy gasped.

"I have this all under control! Tepig! Bring out the sunshine!" Hilda smiled. It stopped raining and the sun came out. Leaf huffed.

"Okay, everyone, go save the princess! I'll handle these creatures!" Hilda called out. Everyone else went over to save Princess Peach except Leaf.

"You clearly don't know what you're doing or you would be letting a professional do this!" Leaf scowled.

"Like you're any more of a professional than I am!" Hilda retorted.

"Guys! Stop fighting! That fire snake is going to destroy you!" Peach gasped. The fire snake crashed down onto Leaf and Hilda, knocking them unconscious. Everyone gasped.

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