Where is the Love?: Damon Salvatore 6

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Chapter 6

The moon was full and shinning. Flowers bloomed, i looked around. A Garden? No, courtyard.
Wheream i?
It was silent. Stars twinkling.
"Damon.." i recognized that gingerly soft voice, almost immediatly.
She danced towards me,with a dress as white as snow.I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I tried to move, but i stood still. What the-
She ran gentle fingers over my face, her bright blue eyes reading me. Suddenly it dawned on me.
Im not in my body..? The words echoed in the silence. It was as if my body was taken over by another, and i was watching...
I cuped her face with my hand, tiping it slightlyupwards. Her small pink lips drawing my attention.
Seduce me... her gentle voice purred in my mind. I grinned, bending my head toward hers.
She shook her head, backing away. 
Catch me... she sang. I smiled running after her. Amorette hid behind the pillars, like an innocent child. Her soft giggling, brought a smile to my face. 
Shhh... she murmured, fading. I chased after her, bewildered with her little game. I watched as she disappeared into a corridor. She motioned for me to come. I raced towards her, eager to see her, to touch her.
Seduce me...
I blew the doors open, out of breath. My bedroom.
"Amorette.." i wispered. She appeared out of the shadows. Like an angelic princess. I took her face in my hands, longing for her lips. She pecked me on the cheek, and backed away just as quickly. She teased me, with a bright smile. I took her hand, twirling her like a ballerina. She giggled gently, landing on the bed. I kneeled infront of her. Caressing her cheek. I kissed her jaw, her neck, her throat. "I want you." I mummbled. Her lips curving into a smile.
"Seduce me..."she said with that purr. I smiled, in relief. I felt the brush of her lips on mine, they parted slightly. I tasted her, the sweet taste of sugar. Her fingers knotted in my hair, our lips moving in sync. The kisses were soft, gentle, new. 
"Damon.." my name escaped her lips. "Damon.." she mumbled again.
"DAMON!" the sound was now urgent.
My eyes flew open. I looked up to find Elena, angry.
"Didnt you hear me calling you?" she demanded. I blinked. "Damon!"
"What!?" i responded, she rolled her eyes.
"Never mind." she left the room, shutting the door.
I was laying on my bed like i was before. Im confused..
That...that was a dream..?

* * *
It felt so..real. How strange...
* * *
I splattered water on my face. I cant let this Slayer get in my head, i wont allow it. Im Damon. One of the most dangerous predators to walk this earth.
And, who is she? Little Miss. Living.
Shes an intruder, and outsider, if you will. 
She's Dinner.
I walked outside of the boardinghouse. Amorette's soft giggle played in my mind.
* * *
Amorette's POV

Ha! That was so easy. Befriending Elena and Stefan, i mean. Its true, shes just like the real Katherine. They left early.
I followed them. They led me straight to were i hoped- the Salvatore house. I hid beneath the shadows, away from the windows. Inside i heard Elena's raised voice.
"Damon, we're back."
Damon's home? I smiled. No one answered.
"Damon?" I heard Elena's light footsteps on the stairs. I glanced at an open window on the second floor.
I smiled, climbing a near by tree, making my way to the top.
I layed my eyes on the sleeping Damon. He looked peaceful, for a vampire. He's an enemy, he must be destroyed.
But how can you destroy something as beautiful and graceful? Easy, a stake through the heart.
He's damned, as am i. I guess thats one thing we have in common. We're damned-damned to hell.
I sighed. One day, ill put you out of your misery.
The book.
Katherine's diary. I must find it. I jumped into the window frame, crawling inside. Making as little noise as possible. I looked at him.
He was deeply asleep. I walked around searching everywhere.
"Damon? You here?" Elena's voice grew closer. Damon didnt move an inch. Heavy sleeper, i guessed. Damm! Where is it?
"Amorette...." a faint voice came out of Damon. I walked towards him. "Am.." i watched him intregued, edging closer by the second. He dreams about me?
I stroked his hair with the gentle tips of my fingers,something catching my attention. Inside his jacket, i could see a worn out cover. The book!! I reached over him, my eyes on his face. I pulled the book slightly, hoping not to wake him. "I want you." he murmured softly. I froze, distracted. His voice was eager and longing. What exactly is he dreaming about? Death?
I smirked.
"Damon." Elena was at the door, i could sense it. I panicked, jumping out the window, just in time. Ow.
No book, but one HELL of a headache.
* * *
Hunger built inside me. It burned. I searched the bar, looking for the perfect donor. 
All day, my minds been spinning. I sipped my drink in silence, i sighed. Hhmm...im bored.
What a strange dream...
I glimpsed at the brunette sitting across from me. Cute. Her eyes were on mine. She slightly waved, i smiled.
She'll do.

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