Where is the Love?: Damon Salvatore 10

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Chapter 10


I stared at her throat. Throbbing with life. The rhythm of her heart beating.

Thump, Thump-

Thump, Thump-

Thump, Thump- 

Enough of this game. Lets end it. Forever. 

* * *

Wow, what a wuss. I rolled my eyes, feeling my blood flow down to the floor. I lifted my hand feeling the tarred flesh. Blood grazed my fingertips.

"Ow.." i complained. An idea crossed my mind, i grinned. I dabbed two fingers at the crimson liquid as if it were paint. What an idea it was...

* * *

I sunk my teeth into her flesh, feeling the liquid flow into my mouth. Her blood was like sugar, just like her kisses. I drank and drank, intent on draining this vessel dry. She didn't scream, but i knew it hurt. I knew she felt the pain of her life being sucked out by force.

"Da..mon.."she whispered out, more like a moan. No. Im not gonna stop, her blood is just too.. good. I can't stop. I won't stop. I REFUSE to stop. Blood just poured into my mouth, flowing like a river. I gripped the back of her neck tightly, crushing her to me. I bit harder.

Feeling her melt. "Da..mon..st..op.." Never.

The sugary liquid flowed along with something else. It played in my mind like a movie, or a memory. What is this? It was like a vision of something, a dream. She was projecting it.. to me? From her own mind. Each scenario was vivid seeming almost real.

A meadow, the grass was dark almost black. There was a small child in the meadow, a girl.

She was barefoot wearing a white butterfly dress, that reached to her knees. The girl was beautiful with the palest of skin, and blue iced eyes that seemed like they held the heavens. Her small pink lips quivered. The sky turning the ugliest of gray's, she wept. Her golden hair swinging from side to side. A black crow circled the sky, dipping every once in a while to nip at the child. Red liquid oozed from her right cheek, causing her to cry more.

She didn't stop, until a young man dressed in black arrived. He was... me.

I kissed the child lightly on the cheek, brushing away her tears. I smiled, holding a black rose. "For you, my darling." i whispered into her ear. The girl smiled, taking the rose in her small hands.

Soon, the rose was no longer a rose, but a butcher knife smeared in blood. The white butterfly dress was splattered in bloody hand prints and mud. The meadow wasn't a meadow, but a pool of corpses and fire. It was..hell. I moved a strand of hair from her face and smiled wickedly. "Welcome home, Amorette."

My mind burned as it played over and over like a broken record. The sugary liquid turned sour, scorching my throat as if it were acid. I pushed her away, seeing nothing but black.

What was happening?

Before i knew it everything was gone, i couldn't move or think- i fainted.

* * *

I opened my eyes, my head beating like a hangover. My throat burned slightly. What happened? The smell of blood filled the air. I scrunched my nose in disgust. No more blood...

Sunlight broke through the window, surrounding me. I squinted, the light obviously hurting my eyes. What was that all about? The meadow, the girl...

Wait- why do i care? I don't. It shouldn't matter, though i am disappointed. Being interrupted like i was, who wouldn't be? I was one pint away from ending this whole mess. Now i must start all over! Just thinking about her makes me angry. Who does she think she is?! Im a rip her limb by limb, until i have her beating heart in my hands.

I grinned, the smell of blood still in the air. Blood covered the ground where Amorette used to sit. Hmm, how peculiar..

"My, isn't she clever.." i whispered. A smile tingled on my lips. I traced the smooth curves with my eyes. Amorette had left me a note-well not really a note but somethig like that.

She wants to meet. Our own little rendez-vous, i grinned my eyes gleaming:

JOHN 3:16

Ill be there.

* * *

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2011 ⏰

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