Where is the Love?: Damon Salvatore 2

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Remember: Its up to YOU if you want this story to continue. No pressurexD. VOMMENT!!

––––––––––>Picture of Blonde:]


Chapter 2
Katherine is dead. Now i have this diary to remember her by. I layed down in my usual spot(up in a tree branch) flipping through the delecate pages. How could Stefan hide this from me? I read a segment from her diary-about me:
'-Ive been spending alot of time with the Salvatore brothers. Damon mostly. I dont know but when im with Stefan..I seem to drift off.'
I smirked, and continued.
'-But when im with Damon.There are no words to describe, he's a killer by nature, and i like that. He has no conscience-he will make a great hunter.'
I yawned, shutting the book in contentment. Katherine preffered me the best, i knew it. Hmmm, now...what to do. I heard voices and laughter below me. Teenagers. Perhaps a litltle snack? I grinned, but frowned quickly. Im stuffed, i just had a yoga teacher, a pretty little thing she was too. A brunnett with jewel eyes, what was her name? Stacy? No Kathy? I shrugged. Ahh, whatever i forget. I yawned again. Maybe a quick nap will do the trick. I tucked the book back in my pocket, folding my arms behind my head.
When i awake, the fun begins.
I shut my eyes drifting off to unconsciousness.
* * *
I woke up, my mouth very dry. Hunger. 
The sun was no longer out. How long was i asleep? Thats the longest nap ive ever taken. Guess that yoga teacher wasnt enough. I looked around, searching for my next victim. Sniffing the air-no humans. Were can those mortals be? Just my luck. The sound of heels kicking the floor sent my head turning. Ah, there she is. I smiled to myself. I glimced at the little blonde thing walking down the street.I could smell her all the way over here, my mouth watered. My nails carved into the tree as i leaped to the ground, hiding behind some bushes, watching at a distance. I wouldnt have to hide, if it wasnt for Stefan and his insufferable whining. She turned a corner into an alley. I smirked.
Bon appetit Damon.
I phased into my crow form. Flying my way over there. She wasnt there. What?! i hovered around in the air for a moment before phasing back. Anger rattled through me. Where did she go? I sniffed the air,clenching my teeth. Shes here.
"Hello, Damon." a gingerly soft voice came behind me. Next thing i knew i was in the air, being thrown into a pile of scrap metal. I gasped in pain as a piece pierced through my abdomen.
"This..is why..i feed on people.." i muttered, struggling to pull the piece out. This hurts like HELL! I groaned falling on the ground."Ah,...OW.." 
"Damon Salvatore. Hmmm, your much cuter in person."i looked up to find the blonde standing infront of me.
The pain eased, the wound healing. I was FURIOUS, but to weak to even stand. I hate this! Who is she?!
"Do i know you?" she grinned.
"No, but i know you."


A/N: What do you think so far??? Good? More?? VOMMENT!!

Where is the Love?: Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now