Chapter 1

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Izzie stevens was walking out of the hosptial after a long day when she heard a rustling sound to her left. She cautiously turned around to be grabbed by the collar and pinned up against the wall, knife to her throat. "Do not say anything or I will slice your throat." The voice said quietly.

The figure began throwing punches towards the blonde, left and right, up and down, everywhere. Izzie was willing herself to lose conscious, because of the pain, and because he was already starting to undress her.

Cristina Yang began leaving the hospital much to her dismay after she exceeded her hourly limit. She was walking when she heard a grunting sound off to the side of the hospital. She slowly walked over and gasped at the woman on the ground, with the man beating her.

Cristina ran over and started smacking the man with her purse. She managed to get the man off of izzie, but now he had her pinned to the ground. "2 for me now." He said huskily as Cristina fought under his grip. "Asshole." Cristina muttered, sneaking a look to izzie who was slowly trying to crawl away. "Do not say anything word!" The man yelled, throwing a punch to her face.

Cristina was on the verge of losing consciousness when the man began pulling off her pants. "Don't do this." Cristina begged. "Oh, I'm doing it." The man said with an evil laugh. Then he suddenly looked up.

Meredith Grey ended her day after avoiding Derek and rose. She couldn't bear seeing them together, it hurt too much. As she went to her car, she heard a groaning sound. She gasped when she saw izzie on the ground, trying to move. "Help." Izzie said. "Iz, what happened?" Meredith asked. "Cristina needs help. Go." Izzie begge. Meredith nodded and looked to the side, her heart jumping into her throat when she saw Cristina on the ground, pantless, and a man ready to enter her.

Meredith ran over as fast as she could and literally threw herself into the man, sending them both tumbling to the ground. "Get off!" Meredith yelled as she threw punches with her tiny ineffectual fists. The man quickly turned her over, him being so much bigger than her, and began throwing his own, very painful punches. Meredith could feel her ribs cracking under his punches.

After taking a blow to the head, she looked over and through her blurry vision she saw cristina and izzie running inside, with izzie holding on to Cristina for support. "Damnit! You made them get away!" The man yelled as he picked up Merediths half conscious body and threw her against the wall. Meredith willed herself to be unconscious as well, as he seemed to move on to her shirt now.

Inside, Cristina and izzie got concerned looks everywhere. "Help!" Cristina yelled. Richard, Bailey, Derek, George, and Alex all ran over with concerned expressions. "What happened?" Bailey asked as she coaxed the two onto gurneys. "Someone outside...Meredith." Cristina replied with wide eyes. "Merediths out there with someone who did this?" Richard asked in confirmation. The girls nodded. "Okay. Don't worry; we're gonna take care of them." Bailey said soothingly. "He almost...and she saved me. Help her." Cristina begged.

Richard and Bailey went with the two beaten women while the rest of the boys went for Meredith.

"Over here?" Alex asked as they quickly jogged over. Dereks heart stopped when he saw Meredith, laying shirtless on the ground, a man punching her over and over again. "Get off of her!" Alex yelled as he charged to the man and threw him off of her. George and Alex took the guy while Derek tended to Meredith.

"Hey Mer? Can you hear me? it's me, Derek." He said as he examined her in the dark as best he could. Nothing. "I gotta get her inside." Derek said as he scooped her up into his arms and began jogging inside. "D-Der?" Meredith stuttered. "Yes, it's me Mer. Stay awake." Derek urged. "Hurts." Meredith whimpered as she passed out again.

"Oh my- get her to a trauma room now!" Bailey yelled as the ER broke into a frenzy. Meredith was quickly on the Gurney being assessed, with Derek close by. "Definite internal bleeding. Before we go in for that I want a CT to confirm and check for any brain bleeds. Who has this son of a bitch?" Richard asked. "Police. I called them and they took him." Alex said as he and George ran up. "Is she okay?" Alex asked. "No. She'll need surgery soon but we're getting a CT first." Bailey replied.

They quickly rolled Meredith to CT while everyone anxiously waited for her results. "How are the other girls?" George asked. "They're both gonna be fine. Cristina was beaten up, a few broken ribs, and izzies having surgery for her leg soon." Bailey explained. "Oh my god." Alex muttered in shock.

"Derek?" A soft voice called. Derek turned around and put on a fake smile when he saw rose. "Uh, you coming or..." Rose trailed off. "I-I can't rose. I'm sorry." Derek replied. "Oh. Okay. See you around then." Rose said as she tried to kiss him. Derek pulled away right before she could. It felt wrong to kiss another woman when the love of his life was beaten up.

"Scans are up." The tech guy said. "Oh my ever loving- we need to get her to surgery right away." Bailey said in shock.

Hey guys! So, new fanfic. I hope you all enjoy it and if you have any ideas let me know. If you want me to continue also leave a comment or a vote or sometning. Hope your all doing well!

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