Chapter 2

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Everyone rushed back into the CT room where Meredith was regaining consciousness. "Wha?" Meredith mumbled, voice strained with pain. Bailey looked over her battered interns body and eyes widened at the blood on her abdomen. "Grey, did someone stab you?" Bailey asked. Bailey lifted up her shirt and found a deep stab wound in the lower left flank. "Deep stab wound." Bailey announced.

Meredith just groaned as the pain intensified and the tears rolled down her face. Meredith sat up painfully and threw up. Except it wasn't throw up. It was blood. Dark, red blood. She looked with blurry eyes up into dereks eyes with fear evident. "It's okay, lay down." Derek urged as he lightly forced her back down.

"Let's go, let's go!" Richard yelled as they raced down the halls of the OR. "Mer, stay awake." Alex said as he grabbed her hand. "Stay awake." George parroted. Meredith darted her eyes across the halls, trying to understand what was going on.

Meredith was quickly put under and opened up. Derek was watching closely, having a hard time comprehending that this happened. George and Alex were watching as well as Bailey and Richard attempted to save their best friends life.

Meanwhile, izzie was in surgery for her leg and Cristina was sleeping. The police were at the hosptial, asking questions. Nurses were now aware of the situation. It was bad.

Dereks mind was reeling. He really couldn't comprehend that this was happening to Meredith. He made a big mistake kissing rose and choosing her, and he knows that. He deeply regrets it. He just wants Meredith. But will he be able to have her now? Will she be able to pull through? He didn't know. But he was terrified, that he did know.

"She's in DIC. Let's go people!" Richard yelled as blood came out of Merediths nose and IV. "Come on Grey, you have to fight!" Bailey yelled helplessly as she scooped blood out of her former intern. Then the dreaded beep sounded. "Paddles! Charge to 100!" Richard yelled as he shocked Meredith greys lifeless, bloody body. "Nothing! Charge again!" Richard yelled.

Nothing. Derek watched, terrified. "Again!" Richard yelled as he used the paddles. And there it was. A small, single heartbeat. "She's back." Bailey gasped in relief. "She's back." Derek said as he stepped up and grabbed her bloody hand from the IV. "Let's finish this and close her up." Richard said.

Meredith was soon rolled back to an ICU room, intubated. Meredith had lost a ton of blood, so she was still critical. George and Alex had gone to check on the other girls, while Bailey, Richard, and Derek were all in Merediths.

"How is she? Is she okay?" A desperate voice called from outside the room. They looked over and saw a bruised, but seemingly okay cristina yang. "Yang, what are you doing out of bed?" Bailey asked angrily. "Is she okay?" Cristian repeated forcefully. "She should make a full recovery." Richard replied before Bailey could.

"He stabbed her?" Cristina asked in shock as she flipped through Merediths chart. "He did." Bailey confirmed with a sigh. "Yang...what happened exactly? We're going to have to watch the footage, but..." Richard trailed off. Cristina sighed.

"He...I don't know who it was. He went for izzie first. I walked outside and I heard them so I looked and saw him beating her. I got him off of her, but then he...he turned to me. He hit me a lot and he...he pulled off my, Uh, pants. He was going to r-rape me but then Meredith came. She threw herself into the guy and I crawled away with izzie to get help." Cristina explained.

"Oh Mer." Derek whispered as he grabbed her limp hand. "What are you doing here Shepherd?" Cristina asked harshly. "I-" Derek started. "No. You broke her heart. You don't get to be-" "Guys. She's waking up." Bailey intervened.

"Meredith? It's Bailey, Grey. Can you hear me?" Bailey asked softly as she grabbed her former interns hand. Nothing. "It'll probably take her a little while to wake up. Remember she's been through a lot." Richard reminded.

So, they sat, waiting. An hour passed, the another, and then another until she finally woke up. "Mm." Meredith mumbled. "Mer, it's Cristina. Wake up." She said quietly. Meredith mumbled something incoherent. She felt like she was floating. "Try." Cristina whispered.

Derek looked at her in surprise but nodded. "Mer, it's me, Derek. We're all here. Open those eyes for us." Derek urged lightly. Meredith was surprised but relieved to hear his voice, and wanted to see for herself that it was actually him. Meredith slowly opened her eyes and slowly locked eyes with Derek.

"Welcome back." He whispered with a smile. Meredith motioned to the tube and tried to wrap her fingers around it. Derek gently pried her fingers away. "Not yet." He said while looking at Bailey. "Grey, you had a lot of internal bleeding. We had to do a splenectomy. Your right lung was also damaged by the knife so we had to repair that along with your ribs, which 5 were broken." Bailey explained softly.

Meredith was growing uncomfortable, as shown by her increasing heart rate beeping on the monitor. "Hey, it's okay Meredith. We're all okay. Iz and I are fine." Cristina said softly. Her eyes locked onto dereks once again, and she relaxed. "Get some sleep Grey. You're just fine." Richard promised. Meredith closed her eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Hey guys! Hope your enjoy this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Anyone notice how I included how deluca passed a little bit? Hope your all doing wel!

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