Chapter 9

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Derek was scared. That was it. He was scared. Scared and angry. He was angry at himself for wasting his time with rose. Had he been with Meredith, they would've been leaving togetehr, and he would've protected her.

Now she's intubated and in critical condition. And he couldn't do anything about it. "Derek. You need to shower. Change your clothes. You've been sitting in here for days." Bailey said softly.

"I'm not leaving her." Derek insisted. "Yes, you are." A stern voice said. Derek looked behind him and his mouth dropped when he saw his mother.

"Mom. What are you doing here?" He asked, standing up and giving her a hug. "Addy called me and said something was wrong." Carolyn replied.

"Now, get up. Take me to that trailer of yours and clean yourself up. I won't take no for an answer." She said. "But-"

"Derek. Now." Carolyn insisted. Derek sighed and kissed Merediths forehead before walking out. "Bailey? Call me if anything..."

"I'll call you. Go." Bailey replied. Derek nodded and followed his mother out.


Once the two of them drove to dereks trailer, they got out. "Now, are you going to tell me who this girl is and what happened?" She asked, sitting down on the small porch outside.

"She's my....she's my Meredith." Derek said simply.

"How did you meet? What happened to the poor girl? You have to give me more than that Derek, I'm your mother."

"Her name is Meredith Grey. We met at a....we work together. She's a resident. Before Addy came, we were...together." Derek said.

"And she knew you were married?" Carolyn asked with a disapproving tone. "No. I didn't tell her. Addison showed up before I did."

"That's not like you. What did she do?"

"She yelled at me. A lot. It was rocky for a while, and I tried again with Addison. But it didn't work out." Derek replied.

"And you guys are togetehr now?"


"What happened to her, Derek? She was...beaten up." Carolyn said softly. Derek swallowed thickly. "Someone attacked her and her friends one night when they were leaving. She got the worst of it." Derek explained.

"I found her. She was bleeding...and her shirt was off."

"Oh dear." Carolyn muttered.

"She wasn't...raped luckily, but she could've been." Derek said. "Does she have any family with her?" Carolyn asked, feeling an odd protectiveness for her sons girlfriend.

"No. Her mom died a few months ago and her and her dad don't talk." Derek replied. "That's awful. Who's with her?" Carolyn asked.

"Her family from the hospital. Me."

"Is she going to be okay?" Carolyn questioned. "I don't know. She has pneumonia and after post op..."

"Oh, Derek. Come here." She said, enveloping him Into a hug. "I can't lose her. Not again." He whispered into her neck.

"You won't." Carolyn replied.


Derek cleaned up and took a shower and met his mom back outside.

"Feel better?" She asked. "Yeah." Derek admitted.

"Tell me more about her." Carolyn requested softly. "She's amazing, mom. Her mom...Ellis Grey. She was a bitch." Derek said.

"Her mom was Ellis?" Carolyn asked in surprise. Derek nodded. "Yeah. Her dad left when she was a kid...she grew up alone. Ellis couldnt care less about her. She had a really tough childhood."

"Did she grow up here in Seattle?"

"She was born here, then moved to Boston for a while, and then came her to do her internship. Then we met." Derek replied.

"And you love her?"

"I do."

"And she loves you?"


"Okay. I'm happy for you, Derek." Carolyn said genuinely. "Thanks mom. I should-"

"Go. I'm staying here for a few days, if that's alright." Carolyn replied. "Okay. You can have my bed if you want. I'll-"

"I already booked a hotel room. Now go see Meredith." Carolyn said. Derek nodded and walked to his car and drove off.


Derek stepped back into the hosptial and made his way to Merediths room. "You look much better." Bailey said, sitting in the corner of the room. "How is she?" Derek asked.

"No change. She's okay. She's responding to the intubation and once this is out of the way, she'll be o
Fine." Bailey replied.

"I don't like seeing her like this." Derek admitted.

"I don't either. We've seen her too much like this." Bailey replied. "She's a magnet for bad things to happen." Derek said with a light chuckle.

"She's a tough woman, Derek. You better not hurt her again." Bailey warned. "I won't. Never again." Derek replied. "Good. Because I want you guys to make it. Grey deserves it." Bailey said.

"She deserves the world. And I'm gonna give it to her."

"Alright now, don't get all mushy on me. And for the record, if you tell anyone about this conversation, I'll have to kill you."

Derek chuckled. "Okay."


Derek sat by Merediths bed and told her about his day. He didn't know for sure if she could hear him, but he knew mereditj always believed her patients could, so he wanted to.

"My mom came. She likes you. I told her all about you. I can't wait for you to meet her, I think you'd like her a lot. She's a lot different than Ellis." Derek said, rubbing her hand.

"Anyways, I'm gonna sleep on the couch. I love you." He whispered, kissing her softly on the forehead and laying down on the couch.

Hey guys! So I brought Carolyn in here because why not lol. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. I hope your all doing well.

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