Chapter 6

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⚠️ TW: mention of rape

A few days later, Meredith was doing well. "Meredith, we may be able to move you down to a normal room. You want to get out of here?" Bailey asked, referring to the ICU.

"Yes." Meredith replied quietly as she ran her fingers through dereks hair, who was sleeping peacefully on the edge of her bed. She wasn't feeling the best, but wouldn't admit that.

"Let's just check your breathing and stuff before we do that then. I'll page Hahn and Richard. In the meantime, why don't you wake up that boy toy of yours?" Bailey asked.

Meredith flashed a small smile and nodded. "Der." She whispered as she gently shook his shoulder. "Huh, what? I'm up. What's wrong?" Derek asked sleepily as he shot up. "Nothings wrong." Meredith replied.

"We're just gonna check her out one more time and see about getting her to a normal room." Bailey explained. Derek breathed a visable sigh of relief and looked to Meredith. "Feeling okay?" He asked. Meredith nodded.

"Ah, Meredith. How are you feeling?" Richard asked politely as he and Erica entered the room. "Not bad." Meredith replied, seeming absent. "Grey?" Erica asked with a concerned brow as she listened to her heart. Erica frowned, and that didn't go unnoticed by anyone else.

"What's wrong?" Bailey asked with a frown. Erica moved the stethoscope to her lungs. "We need some scans right away. I'm hearing some fluid in her lungs and she has a fever."

"You don't think..." Bailey trailed off.

"Post op pneumonia." Richard finished for her.

Meredith wasn't really paying attention. She felt spacey, and she felt really sick. "Grey, you may not feel it now, but your going to want to keep this on. It'll help in the long run." Erica said as she gently pulled the oxygen mask on.

"She has pneumonia?" Derek asked in fear. "Suspected. Let's get her scans before we panic." Hahn said calmly. Meredith sat up as she let out a hacking cough. "Easy Mer." Derek said soothingly, rubbing her back and helping her lay back down gently.


They got Meredith to the CT room and put her into the machine. Derek opted to stay, per Merediths request in the room and hold her foot. "Der?" She murmured from inside e machine. "I'm here, Meredith. I'm not leaving." He promised.

In the tech room, Merediths doctors were discussing. "If this is pneumonia, what are we looking at recovery wise?" Bailey asked. "Well, she had a cardiac tamponade that's still healing. Adding pneumonia into that will hurt her lungs and with the fever it could cause an infection." Erica explained.

"Damn." Bailey mutter. "Scans are up." The tech guy said. The three doctors gathered around the computer. "Shit." Erica said sharply. "Okay. We're keeping her in the ICU and we need to get her started on antibiotics as soon as possible."

"And?" Derek asked as they entered the room. "It's pneumonia." Richard confirmed. Nurses helped transfer out of the machine and into a gurney as Meredith groaned through the oxygen mask. "It's okay Grey. You're okay." Bailey said as she rubbed her interns arm.

They got her back into her room and immediately started her on antibiotics. "Sleep, Meredith. It'll help. If you need anything press the call button or tell someone, okay? Don't be afraid to let us know how you feel." Erica said softly. Meredith nodded and let herself succumb to sleep.


"She'll be okay, right?" Derek asked worriedly as he stepped outside of Merediths room. "She should be okay, Derek. We caught it early and we know what to expect. Why don't you go tell Cristina and izzie? They'll want to know and we'll keep an eye on her." Bailey suggested softly. Derek opened his mouth to argue when he was cut off. "Go Shepherd." Erica said sternly.

Derek walked off to the two other girls rooms and knocked before stepping in. "Shepherd." Alex said roughly. All 4 interns except Meredith were sitting in there chatting.

"Hey." He said quietly. "What's wrong?" Izzie asked, hearing the broken tone in his voice.

"It's Meredith."

"What happened? Is she okay?" Cristina asked.

"She got pneumonia somehow. With the cardiac injury we don't know how it'll affect her exactly. She's sleeping now and we started her on medication." Derek explained.

"Oh god." George muttered.

"Damn it!" Cristina yelled. "Do you mind...telling me what happened? I just...I don't know what exactly happened and..." Derek trailed off.

"Shep-" Cristina started.

"I was walking out of the hospital when the guy pulled me off to the side. He slammed me up against the wall, and kicked and punched me. He... he tried to take my clothes off, but luckily Cristina came out. He moved from me to her, and beat her too. I couldn't really see, but-"

"He tried to rape me too." Cristina cut in.

"Then Meredith somehow came and literally tackled him off of me. After that, she told me to run so izzie and I booked it inside. We don't know what happened after, but you said you found her shirtless?" Cristina asked.

Derek gulped. "Yeah." He whispered.

"But yeah. That's what happened." Cristina finished. "Derek, you better not hurt her again." Alex warned. "I won't. I promise. I'll do better." Derek said.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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