Chapter 3

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The night had gone by without complication. Derek had gone to crash in an on call room, Cristina was forced back to her room with izzie, and Bailey and Richard had to to back to work, all while keeping a close eye on Meredith.

When Meredith woke up again, she was staring straight at Richard and Bailey. "Hey Grey. I don't know how much you remember from earlier but the surgery went well." Bailey said softly. Meredith nodded the best she could and looked around.

"Cristinas sleeping and Derek went to grab coffee." Richard said knowingly. As Richard and Bailey discussed some medication for a moment, Meredith felt wetness coming from her nose.

The two doctors turned around and eyes widened in shock as they saw the blood streaming down Merediths nose and the monitors shrieking. "Oh lord." Bailey said as they quickly put Merediths bed down. "Call a code blue! Must be cardiac tamponade." Richard said loudly.

"Meredith, we're gonna have to open you back up, okay?" He asked as he looked over her. Meredith nodded weakly, feeling herself start to slip away. "Let's go!" Bailey yelled as they rolled mereditj quickly out.

"Page Hahn and tell her to meet us in the OR!" Richard yelled. Meredith had now completely lost consciousness as she was put under while Richard and Bailey quickly got gowned and scrubbed in.

"What do we got?" Erica asked as she stepped into the OR. "It's Meredith. She was stabbed and she's having a probable cardiac tamponade." Richard said. "Let's do this." Hahn said sternly as she cut Merediths chest open. They scooped blood from Merediths lifeless body for what seemed like hours.

"Meredith, don't do this." Bailey said as her monitors shrieked, flatlining. "Starting cardiac massage. Get me the internal paddles!" Erica yelled as she massaged her heart.

"Charge to 100! Clear!" Erica said. The shock jerked merediths small, bruised body up, but nothing. "Damnit! Charge to 200! Clear!" She yelled. Nothing. "Meredith please." Richard begged in fear. "300! Clear!" Erica yelled. Nothing. "We can't give up." Bailey pleaded as she gave a cardiac massage. "Charge to 400! Clear!" She yelled again as Bailey pulled her hands back.

It was faint, but there it was. A small, tiny heartbeat. "She's back." Bailey whispered in relief. "We need to perform a pericardiocentheis now to relieve the pressure." Hahn said with a sigh. So they quickly did thst, and Meredith was finally stable when they rolled her back to the ICU.

Derek had left Merediths room to grab a coffee and to talk to rose. "Can we talk?" He asked as he approached her. Rose nodded and they stepped into an empty on call room and sat down. "What is it Derek?" Rose asked gently. "I- I can't do this anymore." He said. "You're breaking up with me?" Rose asked in shock. "I-yes. I'm sorry rose." Derek said. "Because of Meredith. After you assured me hundreds of times you were over her." Rose said angrily. "I love her! Okay? I love her! And I can't stand seeing her in that bed, helpless and in pain. I can't." Derek yelled.

"Then why did tot say you were over her?" Rose hissed. "I wanted to be. She- it wasn't working. But Meredith...she's the love of my life. So excuse me, but I have to go." Derek said as he stormed out, feeling angry yet relieved.

"What the hell happened?" Derek asked as he saw his...Meredith on the bed, intubated and being rolled back. "Derek, let's get her situated again and we'll talk." Richard said as they moved to her room. She was hooked up to different machines, coming out of her body everywhere.

"Please." Derek said desperately as he grabbed Merediths hand. "She had a cardiac tamponade. We had to go in. She coded and she was down for a good few minutes. We got her back and reduced the pressure. Well have to keep a close eye on her now." Richard explained. "Oh god. But she's okay?" Derek asked worriedly.

"She should be okay, but don't expect her to wake up anytime soon. She's still sedated and on heavy drugs." Hahn cut in. "Thank you." Derek said as he looked at Meredith. "Derek, I don't mean to pry but aren't you with that scrub nurse?" Bailey asked, trying to keep the bitterness out of her tone.

"No- I- no. We're done. I love Meredith." Derek replied honestly. "Do not cause any unnecessary stress or anytning. If she asks you to leave do it, got it Shepherd?" Hahn asked sternly. "Got it." Derek said quietly with a nod.

Richard, Bailey, and Erica all left to inform the other people while Derek hung back. He pulled a chair to Merediths bed and grabbed her small hand in his. "Hey Mer. It's me, Derek. I know you probably don't want to see me now, but if you do, I'm here. I'll always be here. I love you so much Meredith, please don't die. I can't live without you." He whispered as he brought her limp hand to his face. "Come back to us. To me." He whispered.

Derek soon fell asleep in the chair, head resting on Merediths bed, still hand in hand.

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas feel free to drop them. Hope your all doing well!

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