#9 - Him and His Discovery

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When Kolupo dumped me, when she declared to several students that we were officially over, I felt indifferent. Unbothered. Almost like it never really happened, my mind didn't want to accept reality.

Then I was seething in anger. I wanted to pull her back and demand her to eat back her words and apologize. Instead, I stood there. Looking like a complete idiot, letting her prance away in that stupid tight and nice-looking skirt of hers.

Glancing at my phone on my side table, I imagined it lighting up with a message from Kolupo. It would be a Marvel Meme or something about her favourite show Penny On Mars. She would explain that the little show a couple of days ago was a sham and she was sorry.

Instead, my phone lit up with a song in tow. The caller ID read Dad and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I honestly was not in the mood to meet his fancy girlfriend, the one who we had moved all this way for.

Yes, my father had clicked with a woman over the Internet and believed she was the perfect woman, much to my dismay, my dad had immediately packed up all we had and moved us to another state to be closer to her.

What was this? Some cheap Disney movie? The whole situation didn't sound good to me, it seemed way too fishy. But my dad didn't listen to a word I said, he didn't listen to my pleas or my words of wisdom and wouldn't have me saying anything against his fairytale love story. Well, that was in front of him, I could proudly curse them behind their back.

The phone rang once and then again and then finally the stupid Roddy Rich song got to me and I answered.

"What were you doing? Didn't you hear the phone ringing!" Once again, I rolled my eyes. "Come downstairs, I have someone who has been waiting to meet you." Today seemed to be International Roll Your Eyes day because once again, I repeated my former action.

"Yes sir." He immediately ended the call at my response and with a sigh, I heaved my body off the bed. There was no escaping this one.

As I headed towards the living room, I took all the time in the world. I could at least prolonge it as much as possible. Then curiosity got to me and I wondered what she would look like. She must be really pretty to have caused all this ruckus in my family.

"-wonderful! Well, you always look wonderful." I heard my dad attempt to flirt and the bile that built up in my throat didn't seem to be fictitious this time.

"Sir," I called out towards them as I entered the living room. The living room was a bit bigger than the one in our former house. This one contained four big high-class sofas, And 2 smaller versions pressed together. Above us was a slightly big chandelier, dangling from the perfectly designed ceiling. Whoever had drawn out those swirls must have been talented.

There was a big portrait of my Dad and me, above the flat screen tv on the wall. Then on the other surrounding walls were smaller framed pictures of me and my dad. It has always been just us, David and Daniel. For as long as I could remember.

"Daniel come. This is Miss Rita Davis." My father beckoned me over and on arriving in their midst, Miss Rita outstretched her hand out to me. I shook hands with her only for the sake of respect and a little after 3 seconds, I took my hand away.

"Nice to meet you, Daniel. I've heard so much about you and I've been wanting to meet you."

I forced a smile. "Likewise, Ma."

An awkward silence took over for a while before my father broke in. "I actually planned for you two to meet but circumstances kept coming up." Then he let out a laugh like he had told some sort of joke.

"What do you mean?" An amused smile took over Miss Davis's face. Dad gestured in the direction of the dining room and began to head over, Miss Davis and I in tow.

He continued. "I sent him over to your house to drop off those speakers." What was he talking about now? "The stereo? He dropped them off?" She questioned.

My dad usually had me doing a lot of errands for him, he would rather turn his son into a delivery man than spend some money, paying someone to do it. 

My father was very well off, he worked for some big company that had a lot of branches and they had easily transferred my dad to a higher position in a new branch with his move. Another positive thing from my Dad's spontaneous action.

With a sigh, I copied the actions of my Dad and his guest as they all sat at the big rectangular table. So that was why he was so eager to have the sound system in nothing but the best shape. It was for his lady friend.

I began to thank my lucky stars that the woman hadn't been around. My eyes fell onto her instantly. She was chocolate skinned and of average height. Her hair was in tiny long black braids, her eyes were small and almost asian looking, her nose was small and pointed and her lips a bit full. She was adorable when she smiled but I could see a strick tinge if she frowned. Just like a mother.

She looked just like someone I knew. I furrowed my brows at her for a couple of seconds, thinking long and hard where I had seen those delicate features. It was at the tip of my tongue, right beyond my grip.

Stereos. The first time I met her was when I dropped off the stereos. I had gone to Mrs Davis's house. Kolupo Davis. That was her name. The girl who had ripped out my heart. Why did she resemble this woman so much?

Then I gasped. I had dropped off a Stereo set at Mrs Davis's house. I had met Kolupo Davis there. The woman had a striking resemblance to my fake now Ex-girlfriend. This woman before me was Kolupo's mother. And what the hell was a married woman doing with my father?

So who likes the little revelation? And if you did, on a scale of 1 to 100, how shocked were you?

Kelly ❤

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