#20 - Him And Me

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Sometimes I wonder if God punished us for things that weren't necessarily a sin. Like having a boyfriend or going to said boyfriend's house. I mean, the old me would have condemned someone who did this, the old me would have prayed for that friend to be safe or something along those lines.

But Kolupo Davis had a man now. And everything came with pros and cons, this situation felt like a con. The Ushie residence was not what I expected. It was huge. No wonder Joseph was an idiot. No wonder he constantly ended up in brawls and was at the center of most of the gossip at school. He was loaded. '

This didn't sit well with me. How did I like someone for 3 years and not be aware of their financial situation?

He lived not so far from me, in Diamond Estate. About twenty to thirty minutes away from my house. The house was blue and white, about 4000 square feet in size and it breathed money. Joseph led me in, he walked like he owned the place, which he technically did.

The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were the photographs of children, so obviously so loved. The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard. The bannister was a twirl of a branch, its grain flowing as water might, in waves of comforting woodland hues. Under the lamp shine it was nature's art, something that soothed right to the soul. My boyfriend lived like a prince. 

The more I walked through the house, the more my shoulder's raised. This felt nice. He gestured me to sit on these big white sofas, excusing himself to get me something to drink. I began to imagine us together in the house. Both of us running around playing tag, watching a movie while cuddling, so many cute thoughts danced about in my head and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

When Joseph returned, he sat right next to me without saying a word. He stared at me with a funny smile and I couldn't help but giggle. "What are you doing?" I asked while squinting my eyes, a playful smile making a home on my lips. "Have you always been this fine?"

My hand flew to my lips in an instant as I tried to suppress my wild laughter. "Please, no!" My laugh must have been infectious because he began to laugh right after. My smile grew up to my eyes, it was just as I had been imagining.

 "Do you want to see my room?"

I nodded. He got up and so did I, and then he began his way up the staircase. Touching the bannister felt like a sin, it was so smooth and shiny, I feared I would stain it. 

His room was two doors to the left from the top of the stairs, Joseph explained that one was another small living room that he and his brother turned into a game room and the other was the door to the bathroom which was connected to his room. He didn't say anything about what the other rooms after his were or what would be found down the hallway, it looked like a replica of where we had come from, one could be confused. 

I expected his room to be messy and chaotic, like my cousin's room. I expected to see his clothes about, or to see some sort of decorations, something to prove that this was a person's room. Joseph's room was in all honesty, sad to look at. 

The walls were a dull white, the same as his curtains. His bed was covered in a floral print bedsheet with his covers a bit rumpled over like he had just been on them. His pillow was a boring yellow. The carpeted floor was dark grey, the only things on were a brown dresser drawer, a nice looking large closet and a black reading table matched with a chair. 

The table seemed a bit more lively than the room, he had his laptop open, with a scene from Attack On Titan on pause. There were a few books, probably his school notes, a lamp, a Rubix cube and a closed pringle container. 

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