#12 - Him And A Butterfly Necklace

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You ever almost fell asleep at school?

That thing where your head starts to nod and you close your eyes for a second, only to snap awake and realise you fell asleep. Yeah, that was what was happening to me.

A good long nap was the only thing on my mind. I could barely pay attention to the jibberish my Chemistry teacher was spurting. How would carbon and its uses be of any use to me in the next six years?

But I couldn't blame my boring teacher alone for causing my exhaustion, no, I also had a tincy wincy part to play.

I had spent a minimum of 4 hours after midnight texting Joseph and getting to know more about him. I now knew his favourite colour, the name of his three dead dogs, what foods he liked and that his biggest dream was to go to a WWE RAW tournament.

We had a lot in common, well, actually the only thing we both liked was WWE but that was a start. I was starting to see something blossoming between us and I couldn't wait to label It.

"Are you daydreaming about Mr J again?" A teasing whisper came from beside me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. My cousin had codenamed Joseph as Mr J, because he reminded her of the Joker in batman. Troublesome. I was beginning to think no one would be good enough in Mercy's eyes.

The moment the bell rang, I dropped my head onto the table with a soft thud. A couple of minutes of rest would hopefully be enough to power me through the next class.

"You look like crap." I heard from above me, Stephanie had come to greet us as usual. Ignoring her as I did to Mercy, I kept my eyes shut.

The class was noisy as usual, there were much more students than I would have wanted at this period because it was a joint lesson. That meant, the members of class Siri would be joining us. Which explained Stephanie's appearance.

My seat was right beside the window, on the right-hand side standing from the board. I was two seats behind the first seat, so I was number three on the line.

To be honest, I did look like crap.

I hadn't slept a wink.

I had mostly spent hours texting Joseph in hopes of getting a hint out of him. Daniel telling me that Joseph would ask me out today had kept me on edge. I couldn't think about anything else.

And when I wasn't thinking about that, I was thinking about sleep.

"Those girls are shameless." Mercy sneered as Stephanie squeezed herself in-between Mercy and me. "Which girls?" Steph asked absentmindedly as she arranged her things underneath my table.

"Glory and Love! Look at how they're treating Maureen even though she basically ditched them both to hang out with the Them. The thing is vexing me."

Stephanie shrugged and opened up her Cisco notebook and began reading through last week's topic, as our teacher loved to quiz us about it at the start of the class.

I, just like Mercy, was focused on my former best friends as they all laughed amongst themselves. Maureen had on one of the biggest smiles I'd seen her sport since the term started.

The weather was extremely hot today, if I could, I would take off my uniform, yet Glory had on her school sweater. Even with the distance, I noticed the large beads of sweat rolling down her face.

After minutes of contemplating, I decided I was going to ask Glory what in the world was going on. And I hoped it would be nothing like I expected it to be. Seconds after I stood up, our cisco teacher walked in.

So I sank back onto the wooden seats in an instant.

When the bell for closing finally rang and the students filed out of tbe school gate, I was overcome with dread as I headed towards the laboratory for Physics Lessons.

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